Friday, April 30, 2010
April 30, 2010
We had pizza from Pizza Hut for supper and now we are all just going to chill out at home until bed time.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
April 29, 2010
Michaela had swimming tonight. Caleb went to the Y with us and watched his sister's lesson. I think that meant a lot to Michaela. She really seemed to enjoy having her brother there supporting her.
While Michaela was showering and getting dressed after her lesson, Caleb and I went up on the track. I only walked because I did not have on the proper shoes to run. But, Caleb did run and he was having fun. It was just the two of us on the track so we did not have to share it.
After we got home, Caleb took a shower. Michael went to do the grocery shopping and I hung out at home until he got back so I could put the groceries away.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
April 28, 2010
But, I was really tired when I got home from work. Michael wanted to go mow the neighbor's lawn right away so we went and got supper from Taco Bell because we had nothing quick and easy to make since we've not been grocery shopping yet.
The grocery shopping will be done tomorrow night. I do have something I can make for supper tomorrow when I have more time to make it. I will probably make chicken on the grill.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
April 27, 2010
Tonight, Michael and I went to the Cardinals Game. It was on the cool side outside. But, we had really good seats right on the third base line. Michael's co-workers (husband and wife) met us there.
It was a really good time. The Cardinals beat the Braves! Yeah! And we just had a good time joking around and being silly. I had about 4 beers so I got a little goofy, but it was fun. I'm really glad we went.
The kids stayed with Michael's parents while we were gone. They were passed out on the couches when we got there to pick them up. Caleb did not have any trouble going back to sleep once we got home. I don't think Michaela enjoyed being woken up to come home, but she survived.
Monday, April 26, 2010
April 26, 2010
I've been really tired today. I had a horrible nightmare last night that woke me up just about an hour after I went to bed. I could not go back to sleep for a long time and then when I did I kept jerking awake afraid I'd have the dream again.
It has left me feeling out of sorts today. Mostly, this morning before I left the house I felt this way. I was even a little nervous about leaving the house. I know that sounds silly, but the dream seemed so real. It really scared me. I was very glad when I woke up.
We had a meeting for GS camp tonight. It seemed to go well. A lot of people showed up. That was nice to see. It sounds like camp is going to be very well organized again this year.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
April 25, 2010
We went to church today. We had cookie dough to pass out to people at church and hardly anyone was there. We came home with three boxes still. It was strange to have all those people gone on the same Sunday.
Michael's parents did not go to church. Their poor doggy has been very sick. We thought they were going to loose her. But, she is home now and seems to be on the mend. Michael's parents wanted to stay home with her to keep an eye on her.
Michael and Michaela went to Father/Daughter bowling this afternoon. They both seemed to really enjoy themselves. I know Michaela was in heaven getting to spend that time with just her Daddy.
This afternoon we went down to Chesterfield Valley to do our Wal-mart shopping. We like to do that sometimes so we can go to a big Wal-mart and get a little further away from home for a little while.
We stopped at Dairy Queen for Blizzards on the way home. Today was the last day they were on sale. Our Dairy Queen is re-modeling. It's a mess in there, but the Blizzards tasted good.
After we had our Blizzards we came home. Michael and I watched the two episodes of Survivor we had not seen yet. The second one was really good, or at least it had a great ending to it. I was surprised and elated at the ending. I am curious to see what happens next.
Michael and Michaela made Monkey Bread this evening for breakfast tomorrow. He's been promising her they'd make it for a few days and she was very excited that they got to do that tonight.
I managed to get all the laundry done today, too. I seem to have a hard time getting it done on a weekend and often have to finish up on Monday. I won't have to do that tomorrow.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
April 24, 2010
It's been a pretty normal Saturday for us. The kids did their chores and I started laundry. Michael did some mowing outside before it started raining.
This afternoon, we went to the Home Show at our convention center here in town. It was a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon. They had a wine tasting and sausage festival going on inside the show. The kids got to taste some root beer and sparkling grape juice while we tasted wine. Then, we all tasted sausages, brats and bacon from three different vendors. It was all really good.
We ended up buying some summer sausage and some brats. We also bought a bottle of sparkling wine, a bottle of red wine and a bottle of sparkling grape juice.
After the Home Show we went to Red Robin for supper. Then, we came home and hung out at home the rest of the evening.
We took our niece with us tonight because one of the people who was supposed to go ended up not being able to go. She had such a great time. It was so cool getting to spend that time with her. It was her first ROCK concert and the first time Michael and I got to take her somewhere. It is going to be a great memory for all of us.
My SIL and BIL say she's not been able to stop talking about it and that she had a really good time. I'm so glad. I was a little nervous about taking her, but it all turned out really good.
And, of course it was a great evening because I got to spend some time with two of my wonderful friends. It would not have been the same without Angie and Vicky there. I'm so glad they were there.
I was not allowed to take my camera in to the concert. For me that was like cutting my hands off. But, I will always have my memory of the night. I wish my camera on my phone was better because they, of course, let people take in their cellphones. I tried to take a couple pictures with my phone but it's only 1.3 mp and has no flash.
I'm just really glad we went.
Friday, April 23, 2010
April 23, 2010
I had the day off today because I took my last personal day of the year. I dropped the kids off at school and then took some time to go take pictures at McNair. Spring is in full swing. Everything sure looks different than it did when I was there the last day of my Spring Break. I love that everything is green now.
I saw a man there taking pictures, too. I stopped to talk to him a little. He obviously is a lot more knowledgeable about photography than I am, but he really seemed interested in talking to me. I wish I could have had a more prolific conversation with him. He was really friendly and wanted to help, but I just don't feel like I know enough to have those kinds of conversations and besides, I wanted to get to the other side of the park.
The kids vacuumed this afternoon. It will be one less thing they have to do tomorrow. They got their stuff together to go to my mom's, too. They are spending the night with her so we don't have to worry about picking them up tonight. It will probably be very late when we get home.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
April 22, 2010
Michaela had her first private swimming lesson tonight. The pool was really full tonight. There were two water aerobics classes going on, a couple other swim lessons and the swim team had three lanes just for them. Michaela really enjoyed having the one on one instruction. I think she's really turning into a good swimmer.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
April 21, 2010
The cookie dough that Caleb sold for school came in today. I had to pick it up when I picked him up from latch key. I'm really glad we didn't sell much more than the boxes he needed to sell for the limo ride. After dealing with so many girl scout cookie boxes, I was glad that we didn't have to deal with dozens of cookie dough boxes.
We delivered to the people around our house, Stacey and Michael's parents. Michael's mom was gracious enough to let us store the ones we have to give to people at church in her fridge. They have a bigger fridge than we do and only have to keep enough food for two people in it, instead of four.
I took Stacey her cookie dough while Michaela was at Girl Scouts. I got to see her new car. It's really cute. It still has new car smell even. It was nice to get to talk to her for a little while tonight.
Michaela had a little bit of a meltdown tonight at Girl Scouts. They played kick ball tonight. She really does not like kick ball at all. I understand this because I really do not like kick ball at all. I think maybe she and I are the only two people on the planet that do not like kick ball. She is also very much like me in that she does not deal well with disappointment. She was disappointed because of the kickball.
I understand this but I'm 30 years older and have learned how to cope and deal with it. She's not yet 11 and has not gained those coping skills yet. People who are not like us do not understand this which makes it even more frustrating for us. I talked to Michaela one on one. I tried to explain things to her, but I know that it's just going to take growing up for her to be able to deal with her disappointments better.
Sometimes I catch myself expecting more of her because in some ways she is more mature and does understand things better than others her age. On the other hand, though, she is just in 5th grade and she is just still a child. She's got to learn as she grows like the rest of us. I would like to have more patience with her and I am trying. It is very difficult though having been where she is and knowing how a lot of her misery she brings on herself. She just isn't going to understand this for a very long time though, and I need to remember that.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
April 20, 2010
Last summer when I took the virtual learning course, I really enjoyed it. I think I would really like to teach in a virtual classroom at some point in time. I would also like to have the chance to be a computer lab teacher.
I've been struggling with deciding what to get my Masters in for a very long time. It just kind of hit me when I was looking at the course offerings for this summer. I started doing some very preliminary research of online schools that offer this kind of program. There is a lot of information to look at. I'm going to talk to our computer lab teacher at work about it, too and see what she suggests.
Monday, April 19, 2010
April 19, 2010
On the up side, my students have been great lately. I mean, they are normal kids and do normal kid things, but they've been so much fun. I've just got a class with a really cool personality this year. They all have fun humor and are very loving children. I'm going to miss them very much when the school year ends. However, it is not keeping me from wishing for summer break! LOL. Thirty-four days to go.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
April 18, 2010
We went to dinner with Brandon and Karen, too. We went to Trailhead. It was a great dinner, but then I love Trailhead. I enjoyed the visit with my brother and sister-in-law very much.
I did not get as much laundry done as I wanted, but I have a feeling it will wait for me.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
April 17, 2010
We didn't get home until around 3:00 p.m. We didn't really do anything productive once we got home. Michael worked in the yard a lot while we were gone, so he was pretty wiped out. So, we spent the evening at home.
Friday, April 16, 2010
April 16, 2010
Yeah for Friday!!!! The weather is a lot cooler today than it has been all week. It was supposed to rain, but we only got sprinkles. All of us with allergies are praying for some rain soon. Mine are worse this year than they ever have been.
I took my students out for an extra recess this afternoon. By the time we came in I was sneezing so much I couldn't breathe. My eyes felt like burnt holes and they were watering like crazy. I did not have my Alavert with me. All I had was Sudefed. I had to take some because it was that bad. The rest of the day I've been groggy and dizzy. I hate taking that stuff. I never know if it will affect me or how much.
I fixed supper at home tonight. We had chicken grilled on the grill. I also made stuffing, augraten potatoes, green beans, fresh fruit (ok that I bought already cut up) and mac 'n cheese. I don't know the last time we ate supper at home on a Friday night, let a lone a full meal like that. It was good.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 15, 2010
Caleb made a heart out of those little plastic bead things at latch key today. It's for Chloe. He's so cute about all this. My sweet little boy.
We picked our laptops up from Best Buy tonight after we went to Fazoli's for supper. They are beautiful!!! They are not hooked to the Internet yet because the Windows 7 layout is confusing Michael. We are probably going to have to get someone's help with all that.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April 14, 2010
We went and bought two laptops tonight. We got brand new Toshiba laptops. They have 500 GB hard drive, 4 GB RAM, 6 1/2 hour battery life, Intel Core i3 processor. I'm so excited about it. We did not get to bring them home tonight, though. They are installing software and making back up disks for us. We'll pick them up tomorrow evening.
Caleb has his first crush. Her name is Chloe. He wants to wear Daddy's cologne to school tomorrow. He wrote C+C in a heart on the driveway tonight. And, he told me tonight when I was tucking him in that he feels like cupid shot him with an arrow.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
April 13, 2010
We had a staff meeting after work today. Our principal we have now is no nonsense about staff meetings and he actually got through our agenda very quickly.
But, our building reps wanted to talk to us afterwards. Our district is basically firing all classified staff and making them interview to get their jobs back. They are also reducing most of those salaries by a great deal. Our nurse's salary will be reduced by about $13,000.00.
This is in response to a study that our district had done. They hired a firm to study salaries in other districts to see if our district was about the same. We are considered very high paid in all positions. However, the study was done on TEXAS school districts, not districts in our area. Also, the adjustment to the salaries lend themselves to giving upper positions at the district level hefty raises. So, the lowest paid employees of the district are going to have a lot of pay taken away in order for the highest paid employees to get raises.
There is a board meeting tomorrow night and one of our reps is going to address the board. I guess we'll see how that all goes then. If we do not come together and fight now, it will be the teachers who suffer next.
Monday, April 12, 2010
April 12, 2010
It's Monday again. There are 8 weeks and 1 day left of work for me. This is the last week of the older kids taking the state test. So, I guess we are in the home stretch. I am looking forward to summer very much. I cannot wait to have that time with my kids.
Tonight we went to sign Caleb up for baseball with the YMCA. We are not going to keep him in the city league. The coach he was put with is pathetic and we cannot seem to get anyone in the league to respond to Michael's phone calls or emails. Baseball at the Y does not start until the end of May so we have some more time off from Caleb's sports.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
April 11, 2010
Michaela, MIL and I went to a bridal shower today. It was for my SIL's nephew and his fiance'. So, I knew very few people there. I felt kind of uncomfortable, but was glad to have Michael's mom there to talk to. We had a pretty good conversation and at least they didn't play any of those "who knows the bridal couple the best" games. The food was good, too.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
April 10, 2010
It was a beautiful day here again. It is so nice to have great weather on the weekends. We did not have anywhere we HAD to run off to, today either. That was really nice.
Caleb and I helped Michaela put out her April Shower bags this morning. This year we got the street that is right in front of our house. It was cool being able to just walk and not have to get into the car. It was fun being out there with both my kids.
This afternoon we all just worked around the house. I've got so much laundry to do, it's unreal. But, laundry really does not bother me much.
I grilled Fillet Mignon on the grill tonight. It was really good. We also had baked potatoes and three different vegetables, plus raw carrots and garlic bread. I managed to get supper done just in time for Michael to be out of the shower after mowing the next door neighbors' yard. I was pretty proud of my timing.
After supper we drove out to Klondike Park. I wanted to be out there for the sunset. It was beautiful out there. I think we're going to have to spend some more time out there on the trails and such. It's a wonderful park.
Friday, April 9, 2010
April 9, 2010
I am very happy it is Friday! It wasn't a terribly long week, but it wasn't a short week, either. One more week of testing and 8 weeks left of school, plus one day. I am very ready for summer. I'm ready to be home with my own kids and do things with them.
The weather was cooler today, but still sunny. The kids wanted to go outside as soon as we got home. I love it when they can be outside. It makes the whole house more relaxed when they can expend that energy.
We went to Trailhead for supper tonight. I was craving their nachos. It wasn't as busy as it could have been. Maybe we just managed to get there early enough.
The rest of the evening we just hung out around the house. I did take a walk. It was about 6 blocks long. It felt good to get out and be outside for a little while.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
April 8, 2010
Tonight was the last night of the session for swimming. I filled out the form for Michaela to have private lessons. Her teacher says she way to advanced for her class. She's ready for two levels above it. The problem is the only time they offer that is at lunch time on Saturdays. I don't like that time. It would just really mess up Saturdays. So, we'll see what happens with the private lessons. I did not sign up for swimming again since I don't know what will happen with Michaela's lessons.
Michaela learned how to turn at the wall tonight. She was very excited. I am pretty proud of her. She really enjoys swimming. Part of me hopes she wants to commit to the swim team, but part of me hopes not. However I feel I think it would be good for her to have that experience.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
April 7, 2010
Caleb had baseball practice tonight. We are not impressed with his coach. This is the second practice and both times he was late to practice. Caleb did not have anyone to throw the ball with and noon noticed. He stood out on the field by himself trying to figure out what to do for the longest time.
Michaela and I left when Michael got there. At one point Caleb's hat and glove disappeared. We think another boy had them, because they just suddenly re-appeared. Michael said the coach spent most of his time on his cellphone and not really paying attention to the boys. He hasn't been teaching them anything about the game. I am so disappointed. Caleb has been looking forward to this so much. I want it to be a good experience for him.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
April 5, 2010
I will be glad when this week and next week are over. It is state testing time at my school right now and they always rearrange the schedule at school so the grades who take the test do not have to have art, music, p.e. in the mornings. For me this means my students are going to those classes every morning just 10 minutes after school starts.
Lunch periods are not changed, however. This means that we still have first lunch. Our lunch is over by 11:30. School does not get out until 3:30. Four hours is a very long time for first graders to go without breaking up the time and having movement. Plus it means I have to adjust my thinking. I cannot wait until closer to the end of the day to make sure there is homework prepared and things such as that.
Luckily, our principal is understanding of this and lets us arrange extra computer lab time, a few extra minutes outside in the afternoon or even just walking around the building to alleviate the pressure of such a long afternoon. And, it's only for a few weeks out of the year. Still, I will be glad when it's over. I'm sure everyone in my building will be glad when testing is over.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
April 4, 2010
After church, we went to Michael's church so the kids could participate in the Easter egg hunt before services started there. Both kids ended up with TONS of eggs. We spent some time talking to friends until services started.
When Michael's church was over we came home to change clothes. Then, we headed to Michael's parents' house. We had lunch there and hung out with his side of the family for a couple hours.
We came home around 3:00 p.m. and just hung out around home the rest of the day.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
April 3, 2010
Last night was fun. It's always fun to spend that time with Michaela. They had little classes on science type stuff. The girls got to see the planetarium show and do some free exploration. In the morning we got to see a movie in the Omnimax. I love that thing. It's the most amazing theater.
Today, I'm very tired, because of course you just don't sleep well at these things. The girls did really well though. They settled down very well at lights out. I was proud of them.
It is a lot of fun, but I am glad it is over. I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.
We had some shopping to do today. Caleb needed baseball cleats and church shoes. Michaela needed church shoes and tights. Abby needed more fish oil pills. So, we did do some shopping today.
Caleb also had his first baseball practice today. It lasted for over two hours. Michaela and I stayed home. I'm kind of glad since it was so long. But, I feel a little bad that I was not there for his first ever baseball practice. However, I will be there for all his games.
My mom and Griff came over tonight to give the kids their Easter baskets. I could barely keep my eyes open while they were here. I'm so glad it is time for bed.
Friday, April 2, 2010
April 2, 2010
Tonight Michaela and I are going to the Girl Scout sleep over at the St. Louis Science Center. I know I will enjoy myself, but part of me is dreading it. I just am still getting over being sick, although I'm almost 100%, however, I am very tired still and would prefer to sleep in my own bed. But, I would not miss this time with Michaela.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
April 1, 2010
I had to be at work from 8 - 11 today for Parent Teacher Conferences. I ended up having all but 2 of my parents show up. I've never had that good of a turn out during spring conferences before. I'm really pleased with how many parents showed up from my class.
After work, I took myself out to lunch. I had a magazine with me and went to Old Mill Stream Inn. I sat outside under a tree and read my magazine and enjoyed a delicious lunch. It was so nice. I really enjoyed that me time.