Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16, 2009

It's President's Day so the kids and I did not have school. This is a good thing because Michaela was up half the night throwing up. Caleb is the only one who got much sleep last night. I've been dragging all day. Michaela has rested most of the day. She's better now. I know she's really tired and worn out, but she'll live.

Caleb went over to a friend's house this afternoon. He was so excited he couldn't stand it. He wasn't even going to stop and let me see him to the door. He ran past his friend's mom to the car before she could even say hello to him properly.

Tonight Michael and Caleb are getting hair cuts. Michael is not feeling well at all. I think he's getting sick now. I just hope that's the end of sickness in our house.

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