Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26, 2009

Today was Friday for me. I am taking a personal day tomorrow. I have been completely drained this week. Actually, Monday wasn’t too bad. Tuesday I expected to feel like a wet noodle, because the second day back after a break is usually the hardest for me. But, Wednesday I was having a horrible time functioning because all I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep. So, the kids and I are staying home tomorrow (it’s Spring Break for them) and I’m going to try to sleep as much as possible.

Tonight I pretty much just lay in bed and watched television again. I watched LOST again to catch the parts I missed. Then, I watched Grey’s Anatomy and Supernatural. Grey’s Anatomy was pretty good tonight. Supernatural was ok. It was a little lame, but it was one of those episodes that kind of breaks the tension that had been building. I can’t figure out if it’s the last one of the season or not, though. I hope not. Last week’s was much better, though.

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