Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010

Michaela had to work at her girl scout cookie booth today. She had to be there at noon so we did not go to church today. This meant I could get started on laundry early in the day. I managed to do something to my back when I changed the sheets on my bed, though. It's been killing me ever since.

Most of the day was spent on laundry. I tried to get some homework done for my classes, but was not very successful there. It was just too hard to sit the way I needed to in order to read from my computer. I did get a little of it done, but not much.

I am really hoping my back does not hurt this badly tomorrow. It will make being at work really difficult. I will be delivering cookies to work tomorrow and I need to be able to bend and lift.

I watched the USA play Canada in hockey for the gold today. USA lost It was a really exciting game, though. It was probably one of the best games I've ever watched. Both teams played really well.

On the upside I THINK my ear is getting better. We will see how it is when I get up in the morning. That is usually when it is at it's worst.

Tonight I spent 3 1/2 hours watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics. I am so pissed off about it. I've been watching, waiting for Nickelback to come on. Well, it got to be 9:30 and they switched to a new television show. Nickelback still had not come on. That's when they said that they would return to the closing ceremonies and show the concert after the late news. I've been sitting here in pain, wanting to take a shower so badly but refused to go until the concert part of the closing came on and now I find out they aren't showing it until after the news. I turned on the DVR. I'll watch it later.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 27, 2010

Today was National History Day. This was the day that Michaela and her partner from Quest (the gifted program) showed their exhibit at a history fair at UMSL. Their exhibit was about the history of clocks. This year the focus was on innovations in history. They did a really good job putting it all together.

This was Michaela's first year doing this. It was an interesting day. We got to see everyone's exhibits. But, they also have some entrants that put on performances and some that have made movies and show them. We got to watch a movie that two high school girls did on Forensic Science. It was really good. We saw a performance on the history of television that was humorous and done really well. Then, we saw a performance on Julia Child that was not so good.

Michaela and I ate lunch with her partner and her partner's grandfather. After lunch they posted the exhibits that made it to the next round. Michaela was crushed that they did not make it. But, they both have reason to be very proud. They did a great job and took the chance. They are already talking about next year, so it was a positive experience for them.

Caleb had a basketball game today. Michael was there with him. He made 5 baskets in his game today. I'm really proud of him. He's made A LOT of progress in the few weeks he's been playing. He's such a little jock!

Late afternoon and evening was quiet for us. We went to Applebee's for supper. Other than that we just hung around the house.

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010

It is Friday. But, it is the beginning of a busy weekend for us. Tonight was Thinking Day for girl scouts. It was a really good night. The girls did a great job with all their skits and information. I'm really proud of all the troops that participated. I am even more proud of our girls and the mom's I work with on our troop. They are the best!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010

It was a VERY LONG day at work today. Our schedule has been altered for Wednesdays and Thursdays until MAP testing time. Which, it will probably be altered then, too. Anyway, my planning period was first thing this morning. My library time was messed up because of this so, besides the very short 30 minutes for lunch, my students and I were stuck in the room together without a break most of the day.

I mean we got as much of a break as we would have on a Monday, but it did not break up the afternoon like usual. That is really hard on first graders, and first grade teachers. I'll be glad when that damned test is over. It screws up my life every year and my students don't even take it. It's very irritating because there is all this research, and even one of the authors of the test, that says doing this DOES NOT help test scores, but in fact can hurt them.

It's funny because every time we want to do something that the district does not want us to do, they tell us they are stopping it because it has not increased test scores. Well, this has not helped our test scores, yet we do it every year anyway.

Tonight was swim night. I did not get in the water, though. I'm afraid of messing up my ear more. I really wish it would get better. I keep hearing popping in the back of it, but it has not cleared up yet. It's really getting old.

My water aerobic class either has a new teacher, or had a sub tonight. I hope it was just a sub. Michaela did a great job in the water tonight. She seems to really enjoy the swimming.

On the way home we picked up girl scout cookies. Next will be the job of sorting them. That will be part of our very busy weekend ahead of us. I'm kind of looking forward to Sunday afternoon when I can take a few breaths. I'm trying to figure out when I'm going to do laundry. I'm sure I'll get it done some how.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010

I was home by myself most of the evening tonight, after church. Michael and the kids went to watch CBC lose to DeSmet in hockey. The game was at Scottrade Center where the Blues play. They didn't get home until after 11:00. I think tomorrow morning is going to be painful for all of us. That is pretty late for us around here on a week night.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010

It's Tuesday and I did not have to go to a staff meeting today. It's nice not having one EVERY SINGLE Tuesday for a change. It's nice that they are actually STAFF meetings and are about stuff that needs to be discussed as far as running the school and not PD that is unnecessary.

My students did not get to go to the computer lab today, though. Our district server caught a virus and shared it with our computer lab. Wasn't that kind of it? So, now our computer lab teacher and the district IT guy are working at trying to get all the computers in the lab fixed. There is a possibility it could spread to classroom computers, too.

Tonight I went to a meeting for our school district. They are talking about rearranging things again. They have about nine options for relieving over crowding. It seems the decline in enrollment has reversed. There are projections that show enrollment increasing at the elementary level a lot over the next several years.

I enjoyed the meeting. I really feel like I got a lot out of it. The superintendent we have now was very thorough. He was really good about going over all the pros and cons of each option. I feel he really cares about the district as a whole, kids, parents, staff. I was impressed with him, much more so than with the last one. I seriously think they are (or at least should) going to end up re-opening the school Michaela used to go to before the last re-organization.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

It's Monday. Why are Mondays always so painful? I have three weeks of work until Spring Break. I am looking forward to Spring Break, but our 4th quarter this year is going to be hellishly long. Then, again, the year has been going by pretty fast. And, only this morning was painful, as in having to get out of bed. The rest of the day went pretty well.

I got my homework for this week finished today. It feels good to have that accomplished. Five more weeks to go of these two classes. Despite the one reading I had to do, I am enjoying both classes. The writing one I'm enjoying even more than I thought I would. I'm really glad I took it. I just hope the web tools class I wanted to take is available this summer.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21, 2010

We went to Pantera's for lunch today after church. Michael's parents went with us. It was really good. It's been a while since we went there. I love Pantera's pizza.

This afternoon I worked on laundry most of the day. I also worked on my homework for my classes as much as I could. I am not enjoying one of the readings I have to do for one of my classes. It is written very poorly. The author does not even know the difference between "there" and "their." This is one of my biggest pet peeves. It drives me crazy when people do not use these words correctly. He's also got some things that are obviously things that were not proof read at all. It's very distracting. To make it worse this is a class on teaching writing. As teachers we are expected to expect high quality from our students but then we are supposed to over look poor writing from colleagues? That just seems wrong to me.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20, 2010

It was a typical busy Saturday for us. We left the house around 11:15 or so. We had to be at the Y for Caleb's basketball pictures this morning. His game was at 12:00. It was a pretty good game. They were much more evenly matched this week. Caleb got a basket today, too. He was so thrilled.

They were having a swim meet at the Y today, too. Michaela and Michael's mom went out to watch some it but it had not gotten started by the time the basketball game was over. We ended up seeing about four heats before we finally left.

Michael, the kids and I went to Burger King for lunch. It was crowded there. I don't think I've seen BK crowded in a long time.

Then, we went to do our weekly Wal-mart shopping. We had a lot of things we needed to get this week. It seems like so many things run out at the same time. We ended up going out to the Super Wal-mart out by Lake St. Louis.

This afternoon I worked on laundry. I also cleaned a tiny bit. The kids cleaned their rooms and did their chores. I also worked on pictures and got some of those posted. I got a marginal start on reading for one of my classes.

Tonight we tried to go to Trailhead for supper. There was an hour and a half wait. YIKES! So, we ended up at Red Robin instead. Now, I'm really tired but I cannot sleep. I really home that I get over being sick soon. I'm about 70%. But, I get so tired so fast. And, I still cannot hear out of my right ear.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010

I'm glad it's Friday. I may not have worked much this week, but I'm really exhausted. I'm still recovering from being sick. I think it's going to be a longer recovery than usual. This one really hit me bad. I cannot hear out of my right ear and that is driving me crazy. I hope that clears up soon.

Work was ok today. I had two students absent so there will be make up tests next week. I was able to get lesson plans for the next three weeks printed out and ready to go. I also got my class newsletters for the next three weeks ready. I wanted to get a couple other things done, too, but that was all I really got to between explaining parts of tests.

Tonight we went to eat at Cracker Barrel. It was packed. They had a bunch of big parties there tonight.

After we ate we came straight home. Michael and I watched Survivor from Thursday night. Then, we watched some Olympics.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18, 2010

I went back to work today. As expected my class was really good on Tuesday because the sub that was there was a really good sub, but yesterday they really acted out like crazy. That's ok, they'll pay for their play day.

I am really worn out tonight, though. I am far from 100% better. My ear is still very clogged and still gets pain shooting through it. I had a really bad headache by the time I was driving home, but Advil and using the sinus rinse thing helped that a lot. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Hopefully, I can rest some over the weekend. This has really been a bad one this time for me.

Michael took Michaela to swimming tonight. I did not think it was a good idea to get into the pool since my ear is still acting up. Plus, I'm sure the chlorine would make my sinuses burn. I'm not coughing as much. I think I'm still going to take the cough medicine, though. It's been helping me sleep.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17, 2010

I stayed home from work again today. I slept better last night. I slept a good part of the day. I got more sleep today than I think I've had in a week. I really needed it. I'm starting to feel better, I think. I hope I can get a decent night's sleep tonight, too. I'm going to need it to be able to function at work tomorrow. I'm far from being 100% at this point.

I did stay at Girl Scouts tonight. I hadn't planned on it, but it just kind of worked out that way. It was a pretty good meeting. I am probably not going to go to my water aerobics class tomorrow night, though.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16, 2010

I did not go to work today. I really feel horrible. I hate getting sick and I hate having a sinus infection. Which is what I have. I KNEW that's what it was on Friday. My doctor diagnosed me with sinus and ear infections. He gave me an anti-biotic and two different cough medicines. One has codeine so it'll help me sleep. The other is these little round pills he's given me before that help the itch in the throat go away during the day. He also sent me home with a sinus rinse bottle and solution. He also gave me a note to excuse me from work for today and tomorrow. I know he really wanted me to stay home the rest of the week, but I just don't feel like I can do that.

Michael has been really good about all this. He went and bought me a warm air humidifier the other night to try and help me sleep. Tonight he went and got my prescriptions for me. He really does do what he can to take care of me when I'm not feeling well. He's a good husband. I guess I'll keep him a while longer.

If I could just get some decent rest it would help a lot. The sinus rinse thingy felt really funny, but it worked. It seems to clean out the gunk pretty good. It also relieved a lot of the pressure behind my sinuses. I think I'm going to try to use it at least semi-regularly. If it can help me prevent future sinus infections, I'm all for it. I get them way too often.

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

It was a holiday today. The kids and I had the day off due to Presidents' Day. I am still sick. I don't think I'm getting any better. I'm feeling pretty bad. I think tomorrow I'm going to have to go to my doctor. I hate to miss work, but if I'm still feeling like this in the morning I will not be going to work tomorrow. I've done very little today. I got as much laundry done as I could. It's enough to get us through the week.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Last year I was sick with the stomach flu at the end of January on Caleb's birthday. This year I'm sick with a cold on Valentine's Day. I'm not liking this trend at all. I'm just wiped out from not feeling well. Honestly, if all the gunk in my nose would go away, I'd feel a lot better. It's causing my nose to run like a faucet and causing so much sinus pressure and pain that I just want to cry.

We did go to church this morning. It was hard to sit still because I just wanted to be at home in bed. After church we went to Pasta House because the kids wanted to go there. It tasted good and I'm glad we went.

I did not get laundry done the way I usually do over the weekend. It's a good thing I have one more day of my weekend. I'm going to have to get it done tomorrow no matter what.

I got my Wii Fit Plus that I've been wanting and Men In Black on Blue Ray for Valentine's Day. I'm pretty happy with that. More importantly I got to be with my husband and kids all day. That means more to me than anything. Michael also put a little card inside my card that said he owes me dinner and movie of my choice. I love him so much.

Tonight I'm trying to watch ice skating on the Olympics. I hate the way they jump from one thing to another when broadcasting the Olympics. In over an hour they've shown two couples skating in between luge and moguls. I just want to see the skating right now.

It's been snowing most of the day. I think we got a couple inches at least. It looked really pretty falling today. Michael has taken the kids night sledding. I hope they are not gone long. It's getting cold outside. I'm sure they're having fun, though.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, 2010

I'm still not feeling very good today. But, there was a lot to be done. Caleb had a basketball game this morning. We did not get going until then. Michael went to the wood working show, so it was just the kids and me. Michaela and I were supposed to go tour the girl scout camp, but that got canceled.

After the basketball game, the kids and I went to Toys R Us. They were having a video game sale, but we could not find what they wanted there. So, we went to Wendy's for lunch. Then, we went to Wal-mart. I needed to get them something for Valentine's Day and get a few necessities. The kids also spent some of their own money on Wii and DS games.

Then, we came home. I managed to get a load of laundry in the washer, but other than that I've been pretty useless today. The kids cleaned their rooms and did the vacuuming. I hate that I'm not feeling well. On one hand it's crappy way to spend a long weekend. On the other, at least I don't have to worry about going back to work until Tuesday.

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010

The kids and I both did not have school today. I took a personal day and their schools were closed. I'm really glad I did not have to go to work because I feel like crap today. I tried to get my doctor to call something out, but he wouldn't without seeing me and I couldn't get in to see him until Monday. So, I went to the Take Care clinic at Walgreen's. I was told I have a cold. I'm not convinced, but we'll see. So, for now I have to just use OTC medications to treat the symptoms.

Before we went to the clinic, I took the kids to the McDonald's with the indoor play place. They needed to run off some energy. They have been driving me crazy today. They are so loud and rowdy today, which is really annoying when you don't feel well and want to rest.

After we left the clinic we went to Wal-mart. I had to buy Michael's Valentine's gift. I got him a 16 gig flash drive. He's not been able to find his and I thought he'd like the amount of space on that. I also got him a case for it, 4 lbs of strawberry Twizzlers, and a bag of Tootsie Rolls. Michaela found a really cute card for us to give Michael from Abby... something about leaving a gift for him in the yard!

The rest of the day I did nothing but tried to rest.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11, 2010

I think I am getting a sinus infection. I've got the most horrible pressure and pain in my sinuses. I feel like an elephant has kicked me in the head. I really hope I can get my doctor to call out a prescription. He is not an easy one to get to do this. But, I'm going to try tomorrow morning.

Michaela and I had swimming tonight. I managed to make it through my class but it was painful as my head just ached more and more during the class. I'm kind of proud, though. I got through it and I did work at it. I ended up having a pretty good work out.

After swimming, we stopped at Stacey's to give her the money that we're giving Ryan for his trip. We stayed and talked for about an hour or so. By then I just really needed to get home and take some Excedrin for my head. I know it's going to be a while before I am going to be able to go to sleep, so I'll be spending a little time online before I go to bed. I hope I am able to sleep well once I do get to bed. I'm glad I do not have to go to work tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

It was a busy evening for us. As soon as we all got home, we were off to a visitation for a lady from Michael's church that passed away this past weekend. It was the first time the kids did something like this. The casket was closed, though so that made it easier. Although, Caleb did whisper to me asking me if "the girl was in there?" meaning the casket. At least he asked quietly. Then he wanted to know why. The only other time they have ever been to a funeral/memorial service, etc. was my dad's memorial service and he'd been cremated so there was no casket or body or anything.

After that we went to get something to eat. We ended up at Taco Bell. It was freezing in there. They had the air conditioner on and the temps outside were around the freezing mark. It was miserable.

We had a little bit of time before we had to be at Caleb's school so we went home for about half an hour. Then, it was off to see Caleb's teacher for parent teacher conferences. I was very prepared for this. I had my list of questions typed out. I also had some resources from the website that their spelling company runs. I got most of the answers I needed.

Caleb's teacher, his reading teacher and the counselor want him screened for ADHD. I just don't know about that. I'm a teacher and I've seen many kids with ADHD and I don't see it in Caleb. I think he's bored and he's a normal boy. When he's bored he's distracted. School work is not interesting to him so he gets distracted. It's going to make teaching him difficult, but I'm not medicating him because he doesn't find it interesting.

At first I was thinking about having it done if nothing else but to have it ruled out. But, both teachers and the counselor already seem to be convinced that he has it and I'm not very trusting of them filling out any paperwork the doctor sends objectively. Michael thinks it's a bunch of bologna. I'm going to pray on it and spend some quiet time thinking about it first, but at this point I'm leading towards no.

When we got home, I had to turn around and leave again. I needed to go get my prescription. I also needed to get Valentine cards for Caleb to take to class tomorrow. And, I needed one other thing to put in the goody bags because the little valentine monkeys that I ordered from Oriental Trading did not come. They were out of stock. I wish they'd tell me that before I ordered them.

So, I went to Walgreen's and then to Wal-mart. I ended up buying play dough to go in the goody bags. I found Valentines that turn into little paper football games for Caleb to give to his classmates. I also decided what I'm going to get Michael for Valentine's Day but will go back and get it on Friday when I'm off work.

When I was leaving Wal-mart I noticed Michael had called my cell phone. I checked the message. He wanted me to get a card for the man who lost his wife. So, I went back to Wal-greens and found a really pretty card with a Thomas Kincaid print on the front. I also got the money I promised Ryan so I can take it to Stacey tomorrow night.

Once I got home, Caleb started putting names on his Valentine cards. I got the goody bags for his class and my class put together. The kids finally went to bed about 10 minutes to nine. Now I'm going to shower and go to bed.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010

Today was a snow day for the kids and me. It was nice not having to get up and rush around to get to work/school. But, I really hope we do not have anymore. As it is now my district does not have to make up any days. If we have any more snow days we will have to make up the ones we have from now on.

We all just kind of hung out around the house. It was too cold to leave the house. Michaela spent a lot of the day learning how to do origami on the computer. She's got tons of little paper things she's made today. Caleb played Wii most of the day. I watched the things I had recorded on our DVR. The kids were very nice to Mommy and let me get in a nap today, too.

I was really tired today because I did not sleep well last night. The past few nights I've had a lot of weird dreams. None of them horrible, just weird. Last night we also had a snow plow out in front of our house a lot. It was noisy. And, the fact that the phone rang just as I had fallen asleep telling me the kids did not have school last night really did not help at all. That irritated me to no end.

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010

I only had 8 students in my class today. It was a really quiet day in my classroom. We did a lot of review and working with manipulatives and learning centers today. I also got a chance to do some really good one on one with a few students who really need the extra attention. I hope my attendance is better the rest of the week, though.

My back has still been bothering me today. It's worse tonight than it was earlier in the day. It's just really wearing me out. I've looked up symptoms for gal bladder, kidney stones and liver problems and none of them fit what I'm feeling. I'm going to give it until the end of the week and then call the doctor.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010

I have not felt very good all day. My stomach has been a mess. I also am having some back pain that I do not understand. It's weird. It's in the middle on the left side, but it does not feel like it's muscular. I am hurting a little in my right hip, too, but I think that's from our mattress. I am a little irritated. I did not drink any alcohol last night and I feel like I was out partying all night.

I did laundry most of the day, after a morning of errands with the family. I just really have been grumpy and grouchy today because of how I feel. I hate feeling crappy. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 6, 2010

Tonight I went out with friends. It ended up being just four of us, but that's ok. I didn't try to make it a huge thing. I really didn't want to have to deal with making reservations. We met at Loco's and had dinner. I indulged and had appetizer, entree and desert. It was a great night. The meal was great and the conversation even better.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010

Thank goodness for Fridays! I'm really glad this week is over only because it seemed to be so long. It was not a bad week, though, so that's good. Today was a pretty good day at work, too.

It rained and sleeted some today. Just enough to make everything wet, slushy and messy. It's not really cold enough for much more than that.

We went to Red Robin tonight for supper. I wanted French Onion soup. I love their soup. It was really good.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, 2010

My water aerobic class really wore me out tonight. I'm glad it did. I need a good night sleep.

This has seemed like such a long week to me. I don't know why, but I woke up yesterday thinking it was Friday. Not a great way to wake up two days before the actual day. I kept thinking today was Friday, too. I hope tomorrow goes by quickly.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010

It was a pretty good day today. My class got a lot done during our lessons and that is always a good thing. We had some fun together, too and that felt really good. I really am enjoying my students this year. Since my stress level is not as high it's been easier to enjoy them. I did find out that one little girl who I really adore (and I really like her mom) moved and she is now going to a school in another district. I'm really bummed about that.

Tonight was a busy night. Caleb had to be at basketball practice by 5:15, so I rushed him there after picking both kids up at different places and then stopping at home so he could change for practice. Michael was already at the Y when we got there. Michaela and I stayed until about 5:45 and then left.

We went to the gas station so I could fill up the gas tank. This way I won't have to do it on the way to work tomorrow. Then, we went through the drive through at Wendy's to get something to eat. Michaela ate hers in the van on the way to the school for our girl scout meeting. I ate mine when we parked in the parking lot at the school.

The girl scout meeting went well. It was a nice evening. The girls made more Valentines for the veterans. They also tried the cookies we are going to serve at Thinking Day. And, they practiced their skit for Thinking Day. We had them vote on the patch they want for camp. Anne brought ginger bread men and oranges for snack.

I enjoyed the evening with the girls and the adult girls.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010

It's Tuesday and we had a staff meeting today. It went for about an hour. I'm not minding staff meetings as much this year because they are actually meetings about business we need to take care of in our day to day duties and not just meeting to have more and more professional development on the same things over and over again. It's refreshing to have just a staff meeting and to not have to have them every week.

Tonight LOST begins. It is the final season and although I don't want it to be over I am excited for it to start. I have no idea where they could go with this now, but am really eager to see what they've come up with. I hope it's as good as past seasons.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

Wow, where did January go? That was about the quickest month on record!

Tonight we all played Wii as a family. It started out as Michael and Caleb playing football. Then, they put in Wii sports to play bowling so I went down and bowled with them. After Michaela got out of the shower she joined us. Caleb beat all three of us big time tonight. I was proud of him. It was so much fun playing as a family. I love my family.