Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010

It's Tuesday and I did not have to go to a staff meeting today. It's nice not having one EVERY SINGLE Tuesday for a change. It's nice that they are actually STAFF meetings and are about stuff that needs to be discussed as far as running the school and not PD that is unnecessary.

My students did not get to go to the computer lab today, though. Our district server caught a virus and shared it with our computer lab. Wasn't that kind of it? So, now our computer lab teacher and the district IT guy are working at trying to get all the computers in the lab fixed. There is a possibility it could spread to classroom computers, too.

Tonight I went to a meeting for our school district. They are talking about rearranging things again. They have about nine options for relieving over crowding. It seems the decline in enrollment has reversed. There are projections that show enrollment increasing at the elementary level a lot over the next several years.

I enjoyed the meeting. I really feel like I got a lot out of it. The superintendent we have now was very thorough. He was really good about going over all the pros and cons of each option. I feel he really cares about the district as a whole, kids, parents, staff. I was impressed with him, much more so than with the last one. I seriously think they are (or at least should) going to end up re-opening the school Michaela used to go to before the last re-organization.

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