Today is Mother's Day. It was 18 years ago today that I graduated from college. It's been a pretty good day.
Michaela gave me a wonderful book she made in school that is all about me. It's kind of a strange feeling seeing yourself through your kid's eyes, a good strange, but strange none the less. Caleb gave me a very sweet heart shaped clay pot he made at school. He has such a sweet heart. My kids are the greatest. I love them so much.
We had lunch out with Michael's parents at Lewis & Clark's. It was a good lunch but they really put too much food on the plate. I ordered shrimp. It came with six HUGE shrimp. I could not eat more than four of them. But, it did taste good.
We gave Michael's mom a fern. She likes to put them on the little table on her porch each summer. We were lucky to find a nice big bushy one. I think it will look very pretty on her porch and she seemed very happy with it.
This afternoon we came home and cleaned what we could not get done yesterday around the house. I also got a couple loads of laundry done. I'm almost done, but not quite.
My mom came over around 5:00 p.m. We grilled some steaks for supper. I also made augratin potatoes, vegetables, mac 'n cheese, fresh fruit, raw veggies, watergate salad, pasta salad, rolls, and salad for supper. It was a good meal and we all enjoyed it very much.
We game my mom a petunia hanging basket. It is a very small petunia. I don't think I've ever seen petunias with such small blooms, but they were pretty and the color was really cool. Kind of a cross between yellow and peach with red inside. She really liked it.
Michaela has not felt well most of the day. She's had a fever off and on. I've been giving her Tylenol and Advil, but her throat really seems to be bothering her a lot. I'm afraid it could be strep throat. I may have to stay home tomorrow and take her to the doctor.
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