Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2011

It's been a nice Sunday. We didn't have to rush off to any kids' activity. We went to church. Michaela was able to sell several boxes of cookies at church this morning. We'll take it back next week, because there were a few people she missed.

After church we went down to Chesterfield for lunch. We went to Spaghetti Factory and spent my gift card from Christmas. We even had an appetizer and still there is $10 on the card. So, we will be able to take that off our bill next time we go.

Then, we went into the Super Wal-mart that is down there. We didn't have a lot of things to get, but it was nice being in a Wal-mart that is not over crowded. Michaela ended up with new shoes and so did I. Caleb will have to go look at Payless for new shoes tomorrow. We couldn't find any for him at Wal-mart.

When we came home the kids started their chores. I changed the bed linens and then got the laundry started. I am glad we have tomorrow off so I can finish what laundry I don't get done today.

We got home in time to see Chicago finish off Seattle in the play offs. Finally, Seattle has to go home and break out the golf clubs. They should have had to do that two weeks ago. Michael wants New England to beat the Jets. I really don't care either way with that one. Next week I hope Green Bay beats Chicago.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2011

Michaela had a home swim meet today. It was a very small meet against just one other team, Rend Lake. Rend Lake is a small team, too, so the meet only lasted about 2 1/2 hours. We got there a couple hours before the meet started so we should be good with our service hours, now. Anything we work past this point is just extra. We also donated four 2 liters this time so I won't bring more next time.

Michaela kind of had an off day. She really got a little dramatic when she found out that she had a 200 for her first event. I think it threw her off. She didn't do bad, but she didn't do what she is capable of doing, either. However, I am still so very proud of her. She keeps going no matter what. She just loves swimming.

Today was my mom's 62nd birthday and Stacey's 40th birthday. We went out to eat with my mom and Griff this evening for supper. We met at Red Lobster. Griff paid. I feel very funny about that.

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011

I'm so glad it's Friday. The day started out pretty good. My students had a really good morning and we had very little drama in the classroom. Then, they were allowed to go outside for recess. There is still a lot of snow out on the playground. We were supposed to, from what I understand, keep the kids out of the snow. Yeah, right. I don't think so. Especially since most of the snow is around and on the playground. As long as they were not throwing it, eating it or rolling around in it, I let them be.

The flowers I ordered for my mom were delivered today. I had them delivered today because I knew she was taking the day off. I figured she would more than likely be home when they were delivered. It sounded like she was surprised by them.

Tonight I helped set up some for Michaela's swim meet. I think I can include an hour of service time in all that. By the time the meet is over tomorrow we should have fulfilled our requirements.

After Michaela's practice we went to Applebee's for supper. Then, we came home. Now, it is time to collapse in bed.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

I got a book about a week ago called The Photographer's Mind. I am really enjoying it. It's about creative photography and photography as art. I like the way the book is laid out and the way the material is presented. I think I'm going to buy another book by the same author. It is called The Photographer's Eye.

Michaela had swim practice tonight. Caleb and I are supposed to have class on Thursdays. Caleb went in for his class. I've been fighting a sore throat all week so I just sat and watched. Michael went to my mom's to help put up a television in the kitchen so he did not come up to the Y.

I am really glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm just so tired from fighting off whatever it is my body is fighting off.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011

I had to go back to work today. It's going to be a long semester with no spring break this year. I hope the reinstate spring break next year. Of course come the end of the school year when my kids get out only ONE week before me instead of TWO, it will be nice. It still should not be that way. We started only a week before them AND we're skipping a week because we have no spring break, but yet we get out a week later, STILL. It's very frustrating to me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!!! Today is my 42nd birthday. I was supposed to have the day to myself, but most school districts are closed, including mine and the kids'. So, they are home with me for a snow day, today. Oh well, it's kind of cool that school districts closed on my birthday.

I took the kids to McNair for sledding today. Gosh, it was cold outside. I let them sled for about an hour. I figured that was long enough since they had already been outside playing in the snow here at home for about an hour and half. I tried to play with my camera some, but I think it was too cold for it, too. My view finder started acting funny and I ended up with a really weird pink glow in a bunch of my pictures.

This evening I made tuna casserole for supper. Since we went out to eat last night, I figured I would make something here at home. Michaela's swim practice was canceled tonight since Fort Zumwalt did not have school today, so we didn't have to rush off the the YMCA, either. That was a nice birthday present, too.

I opened my gifts after supper was cleaned up. Michaela made me a bracelet. It is really pretty. She is so creative and so good at making things. I also got the camera bag I wanted! YEAH!!! And, I got "Dark Kiss" shower gel, cologne, lotion and body mist from Bath and Body works. It smells SO GOOD!!!! I am very spoiled.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011

I did not go to work today. I scheduled two personal days for today and tomorrow. This is my birthday present to me, from me. I did not do much of anything today. I enjoyed just being home by myself watching movies and stuff I had on the DVR.

I have a feeling my personal day for tomorrow is going to turn into a snow day. We are supposed to get snow all night long. It started this afternoon, but has not been coming down very hard yet. We are supposed to get most of it tonight.

The kids and I met Michael at Loco's for supper. I'm considering this my birthday dinner since I don't think we'll be able to do it tomorrow night. It's not my ideal place to have birthday dinner, but it works because it meant I did not have to make supper.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9, 2011

We went to church today. Then, after wards we went to Pasta House with Michael's parents. They gave me my birthday gift from them. I got the last season of LOST! Yeah!!! Now, I have the whole series. I am going to watch the whole thing from beginning to end now. I'm so excited to have gotten that. They have given me the last three seasons.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8, 2011

Today we spent the morning doing errands and having lunch out. This evening Michaela had a swim meet in Edwardsville. Michael's parents went with us. It took us about half and hour to get there. Michaela was supposed to start warm ups by 4:30, but when we got there the younger kids were not finished with their meet yet.

It was after 6:00 pm before the meet actually got started. Michaela shaved 14 seconds off her time on the 50 free, but after that you could tell she was getting tired. What a trooper she is, though. She dove in and worked hard at it no matter how she was feeling. She really loves it all, though so that helps. I'm really so very happy she found something like this that she loves so much.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011

Well, we made it to Friday again. I am really glad this week is over. I have a four day weekend ahead of me because I have personal days on Monday and Tuesday.

Tomorrow is Michaela's swim meet in Edwardsville and my birthday is on Tuesday. So, it will be an interesting four days.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

Lately, I've been watching the old Nightmare on Elm Street movies. I'd forgotten how much I liked them. I'd actually forgotten A LOT of what they were about. What got me started was BIO had a behind the scenes special about them.

I've also watched the new one that was released last spring. It had an interesting take to it. I liked it. Of course it wasn't the original, but I would watch it again.

I have also recently watched Inception with Leonardo Di Caprio. That is an AMAZING movie. I just LOVED IT. It is one I could watch OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011

I have been listening to "Fall of Giants" by Ken Follet on my iPod. It's one of the audio books I bought with my iTunes gift cards. I am enjoying it, but it's so full of political stuff that I have a hard time following what is going on and have found my mind wandering. I'm going to stick with it, but I hope I'm not missing anything important. I am also having a hard time keeping characters straight. I think if I can keep with it, I'll be glad I did.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4, 2011

My students came back to school today. They were actually really good. Usually the first day back after a long break is very chaotic. But, it was a nice quiet day for the most part. I am really proud of them. I hope we have a lot of days like this. It's going to be a long semester.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

I had to go back to work today. It was a PD day so we didn't have any students. I had to give my presentation in the afternoon. I had about 10 people show up for it. Other people were in other parts of the building for different meetings.

I got a lot of compliments on my presentation. I am glad it was helpful to people. I just hope they are able to figure out how to apply it in their classrooms. In any case it wasn't a terrible day.

Michaela had girl scout meeting tonight. We got our cookie sales stuff tonight. Time again for girl scout cookies.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011

It was my last day off of work. Winter Break is over. I am sad about that, but also, it means we are on the downward slope to the end of the school year.

We are looking for a new puppy. We want to be able to bring a new puppy home as close to the beginning of the summer as possible. Actually, we would love to find two puppies. We want a wheaten girl Scottie and a black girl Scottie. That would be the ultimate scenario for us. I pray we can make it happen.

I have emailed several breeders and we have options, but having a wheaten one is going to be tricky. I guess if it's meant to be it will happen.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011

Gosh have I been tired today. Not getting home until after 3:00 a.m. took it out of all of us. Well, it didn't slow Caleb down as much as it did the rest of us, but still. We really lazed around most of the day.

Last night was so much, fun, though. We were at Stacey's parents' house til about 2:30. We played Mexican Train dominoes. Then, AFTER midnight, we started playing a game I'd never heard of before. We played spoons. It's a card game. You try to get four of a kind, it moves very fast because the cards are being passed around continuously. Once someone gets four of a kind they grab for a spoon. Then everyone else has to grab a spoon, but there is one less spoon than people and who ever doesn't get a spoon gets a letter. You're supposed to spell out "spoon" and then you're out of the game, but we just did fork. It gets crazy and was SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Earlier in the evening Stacey had a surprise. We all gathered at her mom and dad's house for a surprise birthday party for her. Her birthday isn't until the 15th but I think they figured this was the best way to get everyone together since there is a swim meet on her birthday. In any case she was surprised. That was fun, too.