Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011

Gosh have I been tired today. Not getting home until after 3:00 a.m. took it out of all of us. Well, it didn't slow Caleb down as much as it did the rest of us, but still. We really lazed around most of the day.

Last night was so much, fun, though. We were at Stacey's parents' house til about 2:30. We played Mexican Train dominoes. Then, AFTER midnight, we started playing a game I'd never heard of before. We played spoons. It's a card game. You try to get four of a kind, it moves very fast because the cards are being passed around continuously. Once someone gets four of a kind they grab for a spoon. Then everyone else has to grab a spoon, but there is one less spoon than people and who ever doesn't get a spoon gets a letter. You're supposed to spell out "spoon" and then you're out of the game, but we just did fork. It gets crazy and was SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Earlier in the evening Stacey had a surprise. We all gathered at her mom and dad's house for a surprise birthday party for her. Her birthday isn't until the 15th but I think they figured this was the best way to get everyone together since there is a swim meet on her birthday. In any case she was surprised. That was fun, too.

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