Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Busy Day

Today was a really busy day.  After we picked up Zoe and brought her back here I left to go to the grocery store.  The kids stayed home with Zoe.  I managed to go to the store, do the shopping and be home in just a little over an hour. 

We had lunch and then it was off to the dentist.  Neither child had any cavities!  Yeah!

After that we went to Wal-mart and did shopping there.  We brought it home and headed out to the park next to the city hall in St. Peters.  All three of us played around in the water and with our cameras.  I got some pretty good shots and the kids were really good about letting me take their pictures today.

When we left there we stopped by Zoe's house and got her again.  After we got home I relaxed for a while and then made home made pizza for supper.  Now, I'm relaxing some more.  I need to go by the Y tomorrow and see about paying for Michaela to go back there for swim because she is very unhappy at the park and neither of us feels comfortable there.

Here are a couple shots from this afternoon:

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