Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 10, 2008

It is Saturday and I should be working on stuff for work, but I really am just very tired. I feel better than I did last night, but still not great. I wish I could have a couple days to myself, completely to myself. I mean, with no one around at all. I would love to be able to go away and just be by myself and not have to hear anyone. But, only for a couple days.

My grandma sent me a birthday card that I really like. In it she wrote a list of things that she experienced the year she was 40. It's really cool. Of course the first thing she wrote was being a grandma for the first time. Most of the time I cannot comprehend how my kids are growing up so fast, but to have your first born grandchild turning 40 must really be mind boggling. It also means her first born child is getting ready to turn 60. I hope that time does not come too fast for me. Especially since I'll be 90 when my first born turns 60!

The kids are going over to Michael's parents' house tonight. I guess they decided to let Michael and I have an evening together so we could go out for my birthday just the two of us. Or, maybe they just wanted the kids. It doesn't matter, it will be nice to be out without the kids for a while. I wish I'd have had the gumption to arrange at least a small get together to celebrate my birthday, but I just didn't have the energy and besides, planning your own party is not a whole lot of fun.

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