Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14, 2009

Tonight was girl scout night. The girls worked on their first aid badge. It is a step in the process to them earning their bronze award. They seemed to get a lot out of it. I don't think I've ever seen them all sit that quietly. Well, at least while I was there.

I went and did some shopping while Michaela was at girl scouts. I only needed a couple things but I took some time to just wander around. It's nice to not feel rushed and not have to focus too much on anything.

Michaela got her cookie order form tonight. We are supposed to start selling on Saturday. They got rid of the All Abouts and got two new cookies. One is a lemon creme sandwich cookie and the other is a hard sugar type cookie with caramel chips and stripes. I don't like lemon sandwich cookies but the other one tastes ok. I'm not real fond of hard cookies, but I bet they'd be great dunked in milk or hot chocolate.

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