Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14, 2009

Thirty-six more days of work for this school year.

I had a very strange dream right before waking up this morning. I was in my classroom teaching. We were in the middle of a really involved lesson. There was a visitor in our room, but I cannot remember who it was, except that he seemed to be enjoying his visit.

Then, all of a sudden, a man (I think he was supposed to be a substitute teacher) came into my room and started going through drawers. The drawers in my dream do not even really exist in my classroom, but he was just going through them like crazy.

I said, "excuse me, may I help you?" about three times before he answered me over his shoulder, "I'm just looking for something." Before I could tell him he had no right to come into my room and just go through things, I woke up. It was very strange.

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