Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21, 2009

Today was Caleb's last football game of his first season. It's been a long season, but I still cannot believe it's over. He waited three years to be able to play and now his first season is over. He loved it. I am so happy that it was such a positive experience for him. I think Michael and I enjoyed it as much as he did. It was so much fun seeing my little man out there enjoying himself so much. We've created a football monster, though. He is just football crazy now. It can be a little tiresome, but I am thrilled he's found something that he loves so much.

Caleb's team lost their game, today, but they put up a good fight. They finished their season with a 4th place trophy for their division and in 6th place position in the league. That is 6th place out of 17 teams. That is quite an accomplishment for their first year. A lot of the boys had never played football before and some of them had never played any kind of sport before. They did GREAT. As a mom, it's a dream come true when something your child wanted so badly goes so well.

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