Today is my nephew's 15th birthday. He's growing up so fast. I cannot believe he is only a year away from 16.
Ok, so I've been in a lot of pain this weekend. I woke up Friday morning with my neck and shoulder hurting. It kept getting worse through out the day. I did not sleep well on Friday night. So, Saturday was pretty miserable for me. By night time I was having to hold my elbow just to keep from tearing up. It really was hurting me pretty bad. I could not even lay my arm on the table without having sharp pains in my shoulder and back.
I slept better last night than I did the night before. When I first go up it felt quite a bit letter, but only for a short time. I was still hurting today. It wasn't AS BAD as yesterday, but it's been pretty uncomfortable. I bought a moist heat therapy hot/cold pack at Wal-mart today. It's like the one I used to have from the hospital. It's tube sock type material with rice in it and you heat it up in the microwave. It's helped more than anything. Last night when I got out of the shower and put Banalg on when my pores were still open it burned like hell, but it also made the ache and pain in my shoulder go away for a while much better than when my pores are not open.
I hope by tomorrow it'll be almost gone. Tonight is much better than last night.
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