Sunday, June 20, 2010

July 16, 2010

The kids and I went to the pool at McNair today.  Wow!  It was REALLY crowded.  I've never seen that pool THAT busy before.  We had to sit in the grass.  They have replaced some of their chairs.  They don't have as many chairs anymore, either.  But, even if they had, we still would have had to sit in the grass. 

It was really hot today, too so it was a great day to be at the pool.  I saw a lot of people there that I know so I got to talk a lot.  Of course it meant I did not get to read much.  Caleb found some boys to play with and a few of Michaela's friends were there.  It was a good day to be at the pool.

Tonight I grilled chicken breasts.  This is the fourth night in a row that I actually cooked.  I am really proud of myself.  My family has been able to eat real meals this week so far.

Caleb had swimming lessons tonight.  I took him this time.  It was fun to see him in the water learning to swim better.  He is really enjoying it, too.  He has the teacher Michaela had for her  private lessons and he likes her a lot.

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