Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010

Today was my last day of work for this school year. I am very glad to be on summer break. I will miss my principal next year. I really enjoyed working with him this year. Not everyone in my building would agree with me, but I am am glad he was part of our building this year.

There are going to be other people I miss next year if they do not get their jobs back, too. I am going to check on them on the 17th, because that's when they are supposed to know if they have their jobs next year or not. I feel so badly for them because it's got to be very nerve wracking to not know.

Michaela and Caleb started Camp Read A Lot today. They both seemed to have really had fun. They both like the teachers they got. I look forward to meeting Caleb's teacher and seeing Mrs. Schwartz again. I will get a couple hours to myself every day for the next three weeks, too.

I got my evaluation today. It was really good. I am very happy with it.

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