Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010

Monday reared it's ugly head again this week. This is going to be a school year in which Mondays are hard. At least I have a group of children in my class that I just really love already. They are all so sweet. I've got my work cut out for me with a few of them, but that's ok when they are so lovable.

I just wish I were not so tired right now. I've started taking some B12 on top of my multi-vitamin hoping it'll help with the energy level. We'll see.

Tonight, Michaela and I went to get her shorts for swim practice. They have to have two pairs of shorts to wear during swim practice. It strengthens them while swimming. Plus they get used to swimming with that extra layer and then when they swim with just their suit for meets they'll be faster. At least that's the theory, I think. In any case she starts swim practice with dry land exercises tomorrow night.

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