Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010

Gosh my students were off today. One of them was so stubborn I had to call his mother twice today. His attitude was just horrible. Another one just refused to pay attention. When I finally turned her desk around so she could not play in it and asked her to pay attention to something she sat with her hands over her face. Another one decided to throw a temper tantrum like a two year old. All of this and I had one absent and two gone to the gifted program. I'm just really glad this school day is over.

I spent a little over an hour at Caleb's football practice tonight. It was nice to sit and watch for a while. I have not gotten to do that this year before now. I just wish this had been a better experience for Michael and Caleb this year. It really hurts that it hasn't been a great experience for them.

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