I was kind of bummed when I got up this morning. I had planned on taking the kids to the pool. Today would have been the last day they could have swam with their friends from Guppy because it was the last time Camp Guppy would have been at the pool. But, it was raining and cool. There was rain in the forecast all day and looking at the radar I knew that for a change the weather people got the forecast right. Of all the times to be right, it had to be when I would rather them be wrong.
The kids and I watched two movies today. They were Netlflix movies that we got before we left for vacation so we needed to watch them and get them sent back. The first one was the newer version of
Freaky Friday with Lindsey Lohan in it. It was pretty good. I need to get Michaela to watch the older version that has Jodi Foster in it. I don't think Caleb will sit still for it, but Michaela would like it.
Then, we watched
Underdog. Caleb LOVED this movie. Michaela liked it a lot, too, but Caleb giggled and laughed so hard through most of it. I liked it too. It was a cute movie with some good family values stuff in it.
We were able to get
Freaky Friday in the mailbox before the mailman came.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was already out there. We watched that yesterday. It was one of the better Harry Potter movies, but of course the movies do not do the books justice. They left out the house elves completely from the movie. Michaela was not happy. I told her this is why we don't watch the movie until we've read the book, because the book is much better.
Late this afternoon we took Abby to the vet. We had an appointment for the vet to look at her ears again. She's no longer shaking her head and we see no signs of infection, but she seems to be loosing her hearing. We wanted to make sure there was nothing going on that needed treatment. The vet confirmed what we were suspecting. Abby is just getting old and in her old age she's losing her hearing. She's perfectly healthy otherwise, just getting old, slowing down and losing her hearing.
One one hand this just breaks my heart because I know she doesn't understand what's happening and it's got to be frustrating for her. On the other hand, I'm happy she's still healthy. She is 11 years old and still healthy, that's pretty good for a dog. I've never had a dog be healthy that long before.
My Scottie I had growing up had a rough time of it, though. He'd been hit by a car which made him have seizures. He also had never been neutered so he got cancer in his little boy parts because he'd also never been able to breed. Then, the Sheltie/American Eskimo mutt we had we got from the pound so we were not sure how old he was to begin with, but they estimated him as being about 3 when we got him. So, he was older than 11, but was not healthy the last couple years.
Anyway, we can deal with the hearing loss and make accommodations for her. I hope she's around for a while longer, though. She is a big part of our family. We are "those" people who see our pet as part of the family, which means we love her completely. And, after all, she was/is my "first baby."