It finally started to feel a little like actual summer here today. Still no humidity, which I guess I shouldn't complain about, but I want HOT so the swimming pools don't feel cold. The kids and I did go to the swimming pool at the park up the street. My kids call it a water park because of the slides and stuff. I guess we should spend some more time at actual water parks so they can tell the difference. But, we all had fun. I went down the big slide once. I would do more if it would warm up more. The kids that are attending Camp Guppy were there so Michaela and Caleb got to see some of their friends which they were thrilled about. I didn't get sunscreen on my shoulders well enough and am a little red. But, not too bad. It doesn't hurt.
Tonight the kids and I went to church to help more with VBS stuff. I helped stuff candy bags with candy and little fliers for VBS and helped unwrap shrinky dink sheets. The bags are for the parade on Friday. The shrinky dink sheets are for a craft during VBS. I am going to try and find them a toaster oven, too so that they won't have to use the big oven in the kitchen at church for that craft.
There is a funny about the shrinky dink sheets. They came in a box and all of them were individually wrapped in plastic bags. The plastic bags were taped shut with a label that said, "Shrinky Shts." Hehehehehehehe
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