We went out to eat at Loco's with a group from church after church was over. I love it when we do that. It's so much fun. The people that we hang out with from there are just really cool people. I enjoy their company a lot. The food was good, too. The waitresses were a lot of fun this time around, too. It was just a really good time.
This afternoon, I've worked on finishing up laundry (although I know I'll have to do a couple more loads before we leave Tuesday) and got all the bank accounts in order. Bills are all paid through the end of the month. Actually, everything is scheduled for payment up until August 1 when both mortgages have to be paid. Money wise we are all set to leave.
That means the next two days will be spent cleaning and packing. I will have a couple errands to run, but I'm not going to do any grocery shopping. We'll take what we have with us and anything else we may need we'll buy down there. I'm really starting to get excited.
I got a letter in the mail yesterday from the doctor that did my mammography and ultra sound. It was confirming that I am o.k. I know they told me there was nothing there to worry about before I left last week, but seeing the official letter stating that helped, too. Between that and VBS ending, I've been able to get more excited about vacation time.
I did one other thing to prepare for vacation today. Since most of our ride down there is going to be in the dark, which would make it hard to read, I used up the iTunes gift cards I had (plus a little more) I bought a few audio books and added them to my iPod. I had one on there that I'd not listened to yet and one that I'm about half way through, too. So, for the duration of our trip, between my iPod, magazines and books I should have plenty to read.
Michael and I watched a movie that one of his employees let him borrow tonight. It was really weird. I would not recommend it, especially if you do not like gratuitous cursing and sex. It was called Black Snake Moan. It had Samuel Jackson, Christina Ricci and Justin Timberlake in it.
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