My MIL and FIL came and got them at about 12:45 to watch them while I went to my appointment. I had a mammography and ultra sound scheduled for today. It's the first time I've had to do that and I was really nervous. Not only because the whole squishing of my breasts sounded really painful, but because this was scheduled due to the fact that I found lumps in my breasts. I've had several weeks of worrying about this.
It was not quite as bad as I thought, but still not a pleasant experience. It turns out my breasts are just full of cysts. While not exactly the best thing in the world, they are harmless and cysts do not turn into cancer. After having my mom fight breast cancer and my dad dying from cancer, I was terrified of this. Thankfully, it's not anything like that. They did say they could try to drain them, but it would alter the size and shape of them and there is a chance of them coming back. Plus, once I go through menopause (which hopefully is at least another 10 years away) they will dry up on their own anyway.
Afterwards, I felt like I'd been holding my breath all this time and could finally breath. I just kept taking really deep breaths. I also feel just kind of limp and really tired. I'm so glad it's all over with. Another thing I noticed was that all of a sudden I was able to really think about vacation and am looking forward to it even more now. It was like having that hang over my head was occupying space in my brain that kept me from getting excited. Now I can concentrate more on vacation.
It was not easy to get through VBS tonight, though. I'm just really tired and really wanted to quiet alone time. There really is no where in the church to get this during VBS. It still was a good evening though. I really think the theme this year is a great one. It's had so much more actual activity and hands on stuff than I've ever seen before.f
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