Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22, 2009

Today was a much better day at work. I had a really good talk with my principal. I am really glad I got a chance to have that talk. It made me feel a lot better.

I had the scare of my life tonight, though. Michaela was not at Angie's when I got there. She stayed after school for cross country club today. Angie had seen a bus go by but wasn't sure it was the right bus. I went and got Jack In The Box for supper, took it home and went back to Angie's.

Michaela still was not there. I called Michael's parents to make sure Michaela was not there. Michael's dad went to look for her at the park and at school while I waited for the bus. By this time it was 5:45 p.m. I was freaking out.

I finally called 411 to see if I could get a phone number for the bus company without having an address. They were able to put me through to the bus company. After talking to them and having them radio the bus, they confirmed that Michaela was still on the bus. She had missed her stop because it's in a different place than the regular bus. The bus driver had two kids that missed their stops. She brought Michaela back around after she finished her route. It was 6:00 pm before Michaela got off the bus. I've never been so happy to see a yellow school bus in my life.

I think Michael is going to leave work early on Tuesdays and Thursdays from now on to pick Michaela up from her after school activities, if he can work it out.

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