A new movie by M Night Shyamalan started at the theaters today. It's called The Happening. I would love to see it. I really enjoy his work. But, the kids cannot go to that kind of movie and Michael is such a stick in the mud about movies. I'll probably have to wait until it comes out on video because I'm sure my brother and his wife are going to be first in line to see it. Oh well, I'm sure the wait will be worth it.
The kids have finished the first week of Camp Read A Lot. They both are loving it. Lindenwood does a great job with this camp and the students that work with the kids are all really great. Michaela really likes her "teacher," about as much as she liked the one she had last year. Caleb really likes his "teacher" too. I think he has a little crush on her. I swear that boy is going to be the one to worry me like crazy when it comes to girls more than Michaela worrying me about boys.
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