Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30, 2008

I can't believe it's the last day of June already. Not a lot went on here today. The kids and I did some cleaning around the house. Michaela is getting lazy about cleaning the bathroom. I'm going to have to start "inspecting" it when she says she's done for a while until she gets back in the habit of doing it right.

We also went to Wal-mart. I wanted a organizer thing for the living room. Some of the kids toys that stay in the living room were in desperate need of being tamed. While we were there we bought some snacks that we can have in the car with us when we take that long drive down to Destin. We got a few necessities, too, like laundry detergent.

Michaela had gymnastics tonight. I took my book with me. I'm reading Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. I enjoy their books a lot. The first one by these two authors that I read was Cabinet of Curiosities. Most of their books have a character named Pendergast in them. He's an FBI agent that solves strange cases. He's a really cool character.

Relic is actually the first novel he appears in and I can already tell they really have gone out of their way to develop this character throughout the novels that they put him in as he's a lot less refined (I guess that's the word I'm looking for) in this one as he was in the other two books I've read with him in it so far. There is an actual sequel to this book called Reliquary that I'm going to read next. Then, there's a series that have other re-occurring characters and then three books known as the Diogenes Trilogy. These three books are about Pendergast's fight to survive his evil twin brother. Sounds a little hokey, I know, but I've read one from this trilogy already and it was really good.

I've decided I need to load some audio books onto my iPod for our trip. Since we're going to be traveling at night to go down there, it would be hard to read an actual book. And, I know there will be times on the beach that I just want to sit and be able to listen instead of read. It's not going to be easy to decide, though. I want some more Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child books. But, I also have a couple Jodi Picoult I've not read yet that I want to read. Then, there's Isabel Allende and Barbara Kingsolver that I keep putting off. Actually, what I want is for Tracy Chevalier to release a new book.

In any case, I've got a ton of books I've not read yet and several magazines I need to get through. Add that to the books I will put on my iPod, I should have plenty of reading material for our vacation. It sounds so nice to have a vacation where we will not be rushing around like crazy. It's not how I want to spend every vacation, but I'm definitely ready for this low key vacation this year.

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