Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008

Ok, so I'm thinking I'm going to have to go back to sitting outside with my kids while they are playing outside. On Sunday they were trying to lure the dog up to the top of the slide with dog biscuits so they could get her to slide down. Yesterday, they were rolling down the hill in a trash can... eeewweeee. Tonight they had to come in early because they were messing around by the garden and "fell" into the dirt and were just covered in dirt. There was no way to brush them off enough to even sit at the table to eat. So, in they came to take shower and bath.

They spent the rest of the evening playing Wii and watching Michaela's new Barbie videos. It's been a pretty quiet night around here. Michael did not get home until almost 9:00 pm because he's been fighting a broken machine at work.

I got a lot done at work again today. My students really helped me out, too. I've still got a few things to take down off my walls, but not much. And, I'm almost done packing up. There are some things I'll have to leave out until the last day, but I'm making sure there are places for those to just toss them into a box and pack it up quickly that last day. I should be ready to just walk out the door on June 10th.

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