Monday, June 23, 2008

June 23, 2008

I got Caleb registered for first grade today. Since he went to Little Guppy for Kindergarten, this will be his first year at public school. Both of my babies are now big school aged kids. I'm not sure how that happened. It will more than likely be the only year they are in the same building, too. They are talking about splitting the high schools up like they did the middle schools with Freshman and Sophomores at one building and Juniors and Seniors at the other.

Anyway, it amazes me the paperwork involved in signing your child up for school. I mean really, how many times should you have to write down contact information. I think I recorded phone numbers, addresses and job information in about five different places. Here's a tip. Put it all online and parents will only have to enter information once. It can generate all those reports for you. Of course you'd still want the parent in person to make copies of the birth certificate, social security card and utility bill, but that would take a lot less time and hassle than filling out 2000 papers with the same information on them.

I do have one paper that still needs to be filled out. Since this is his first year at public school I have to have his doctor do a physical and fill out the paper on that. It seems they need a dental paper filled out too, but no big deal. Both kids have to go to the dentist soon anyway.

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