Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 14, 2008

I have not been feeling well this weekend. My lungs hurt. I think it's allergies. Michael gets these kinds of symptoms from his allergies, but mine have never been this bad before. It's miserable.

Most of today has been spent grading papers and doing laundry. Michael has done some work outside. He's trying to get someone to come and look at our porch. It has to be busted out because the water main coming into our house has broken. It runs under our porch. Michael and his dad are going to fix the water line themselves, but they cannot take out the porch and replace it. We may end up needing to get a new door, too.

We've had to take everything out of the closet under our stairs because the broken water line has leaked into the closet. It's a mess. We had to throw out all kinds of stuff, but nothing that is valuable or important. I think this is going to be a mess to fix. Hopefully, it won't cost as much as Michael thinks it will.

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