Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15, 2008

It was back to work today. It seems everyone is back to normal for now. Michaela went back to gymnastics tonight. It was her fist night at the new building. It's big. They do not have the observation bridge finished yet and it's even harder to watch the gymnastics class from the ground level lobby at this place than it was at the old building. This is because the windows are all looking on the half of the gym that is set aside for the cheer leading classes. Hopefully, they won't take long to finish the bridge.

Michaela was not happy with her new teacher. She said that the new teacher played favorites to her little sisters and that she would not help Michaela when she needed it. So, I guess I keep an eye on that and see if it improves. If it does then I'm sure that it's just Michaela adjusting to the newness. She doesn't like it when the teachers are changed. But, usually after a couple weeks, she gets used to it and everything is fine.

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