Monday, September 8, 2008

September 8, 2008

Michaela woke up with a 102 fever this morning. She complained of a headache last night. I gave her Tylenol and she took a bath. She said she felt a little better. Then, when she went to bed she said her throat hurt. We gave her some hot tea and I thought she was overly tired from the weekend.

Well, I guess not. Her throat was really bothering her this morning along with the fever. Michael stayed home with her and took her to the doctor. She has strep throat. Wonderful.

I guess she laid around most of the day. The fever kept going up and down. They did not get the antibiotics until after lunch time because the doctor's office is all computerized now and they fax the Rx to the pharmacy now. Well, of course since it's something that should happen quicker, it doesn't.

So, Michaela missed gymnastics tonight. This meant I could go to the orchestra meeting and find out about that. Michaela will have violin lessons every Tuesday and Thursday after school until 3:15 pm. So, no Guppy for her after school on those days. She'll be thrilled with that.

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