Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18, 2008

Ok, I just have to say this even though I'm not really a political person, but, Palin really insults me as a woman. The fact that she would accept a nomination when she knows perfectly well it was only given to her because she's a woman infuriates me.

Women all over the world have worked their asses off to be taken seriously and given chances at positions according to their merit. Not only, that but to compare herself to Hilary Clinton is just ridiculous. Hilary has worked long and hard to make the strides she's made.

Palin sat in a judgemental, holier than though soap box with her rifle and family values that obviously did not transfer to her children and was handed something in her lap just because the radical left wing weirdos demanded that McCain play the gender card since the Democratic party is playing the race card. But, that's a whole other post. The whole political system in our country is crap and this election is a joke. The whole world should be laughing their asses off at us.

*sigh* Ok, maybe some day I'll express how I really feel.

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