Monday, August 31, 2009
August 31, 2009
We managed to get through every thing I wanted to get through today. I really am VERY proud of them.
Tonight, Michaela and I stayed home tonight when Michael and Caleb went to football practice. Michaela watched t.v. and played in her room most of the evening. It gave me a chance to use the Wii without interruption. I worked out on my Wii Fit for 30 minutes and then spent about 20 minutes kicking butt on the sword fighting game on Wii Sport Resort.
Michaela took a shower before they got home so Caleb could get in the shower as soon as he got home. I guess football practice was pretty tough tonight. Michael is not really all that happy about some of the things that went on during practice. I hope it does not ruin Caleb's fun.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
August 30, 2009
Once we got home, I got the laundry going and then started working on stuff for work. I did laundry, graded papers and wrote lesson plans all afternoon. I watched the new version of "Last House on the Left" and the first two episodes of "Torchwood." I enjoyed both.
Michael slept most of the afternoon again. I hope he feels better soon.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
August 29, 2009
Caleb's team did GREAT!!!! They "won" the first game, "tied" the second and lost the third. But, the thing is all the other teams only played one game. AND, they sent the team with all the big boys in for the last game, so they did really well considering all they had to do today. I'm really proud of Caleb.
Michaela and I stopped at BK in O'Fallon to have lunch. We saw some friends there with their little boy who is playing on one of the teams that Caleb played against today. It's been a while since we've seen them and it was good to see them.
On the way home we stopped at Walgreen's. My allergies were driving me crazy after sitting out in the grass for a hour or so. So, I got some Alevert. My nose has been itching most of the afternoon.
Michael came home and took a nap. I went to the Y and rode the stationary bike for about 30 minutes and then swam about 20 laps. Saturday seems like a great day to go to the Y, it was very empty.
This evening we went to Wal-mart. I decided to get some Nyquil Sinus so I could sleep and not be bothered by my sinus/allergies tonight. I hope to get to bed at a decent time tonight.
Friday, August 28, 2009
August 28, 2009
Michaela went to Sammy's for a sleep over tonight, so when I dropped her off I stayed and talked with Angie for a while. I got about two hours straight to just sit and talk with my best friend. It was great. I wish I had that kind of time to spend with all my friends. I'm really missing my other dear friends.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August 27, 2009
My students are so far behind because of this it is unreal. It's just a little depressing and kind of making me panic right now. Not too bad, because so far this year, even with the panic I am feeling so much more relaxed than I have in a few years. I am actually enjoying going to work again and that feels so good. So, I'll deal ok with this little bit of panic and somehow figure out how to get my students up to speed.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
August 26, 2009
I'm still having a hard time grasping her not being at an elementary school. But, she's loving being at Jefferson. She's just a different kid than she was last year. The teachers she has this year really seem to want to challenge her and encourage her as a "smart kid." Her teacher last year I think was just at a lost. I think she understands the kids who need extra help more.
Her Quest class seems even more rigorous than SOAR was. This is good and I'm sure she'll do great, but it's just beyond anything I ever thought of a 10 year old doing. Sometimes it makes me nervous, but then again, she's always handled academic challenges like a pro.
Since we got home I've done nothing but play around on the computer and watch television. I've not been able to do that in over two weeks. It's nice. There are things I should be doing, but I'm just not going to tonight.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
August 25, 2009
Honestly, I can say I love that man more now than I ever have. I love him more every day. It's amazing after being together for 23 years, he still excites me. He still makes me smile and laugh. I love spending time with him and doing things with him. I am so proud to be his wife and feel so happy and blessed with the two children we created together. This is my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Monday, August 24, 2009
August 24, 2009
Tonight Michaela and I went to the Y. We signed up for swimming. Michaela is going to take lessons to become a stronger swimmer. I am going to take a water aerobics class. We start on September 17. I cannot wait!!!!
Then, we had to go to Vicky's. Vicky, Angie, Ginger and I had a meeting to start planning the year for girl scouts. I think it was a productive meeting. We got several things decided. It was nice to sit and talk with them for a while, too.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
August 23, 2009
My mom brought the kids home around 10:00 a.m. We did not go to church today. Michael was just getting himself out of bed about 10 minutes before my mom brought the kids over.
Today, I did a lot of laundry. I also went and did some shopping. I got what we needed at Wal-mart. I also went and got some things at Schnucks to help me with cooking this afternoon. And, I went to Lowe's to get Michael some yard waste bags because Wal-mart was out of them.
This afternoon, I made three meals so I will not have to cook when I come home from work on Monday and Tuesday.
First, I got some beef stew simmering on the stove. That will be Tuesday night's supper. Next, I got a ham casserole prepared in the crock pot. That will be Monday night's supper. Finally, I made my first ever meat loaf for tonight's supper.
This evening I got lesson plans written and have been working on some more laundry. I'm really ready for bed already and it's not even 8:30 yet.
Nickelback is Awesome!!!!!
The first band took the stage at 6:00 p.m. It was Saving Abel. I really liked their music. I was enjoying it very much, but they only played for 20 minutes. I really wish they'd have played longer.
After about half an hour intermission, Papa Roach took the stage. They are very loud and scream a lot. I think I might like their music if I could have understood the lyrics. They also, tended use the F word A LOT! They said it in just about every sentence. For me that was a little excessive. But, I was still having fun because I was there with my husband and Angie got there during their set.
The next band took the stage not long after Papa Roach finished. It was Hinder. I really like them, too. I enjoyed their set. They have quite a few good songs.
Then, finally, Nickelback came on stage. It was so amazing. I love their music. I love they way they look. Their show was so much fun. We stood and danced through the whole thing. I seriously cannot remember ever having that much fun at a concert before. I want to go to more concerts like that. I want Nickelback to come back.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
August 22, 2009
Bryan, Tamara and two of their kids are going to be there. Angie and her mom are coming too, so I know we are all going to have a lot of fun.
I don't think I've ever been this excited about a concert.
I've had to run errands this morning. Michaela and I went to the credit union and the bank. Then, we went to the mall and got pedicures. After that we tried to get to the duplex before the people who were supposed to be there at 11:00 left, but we missed them.
So, the kids and I came home. They got their over night bags ready because they are staying with my mom tonight. I got the van cleaned out. Then, we went back up to the duplex to see the lady that was coming to look at the duplex at noon.
Then, we came home and ate some lunch. After that we went to the car wash and I had the van cleaned. I paid for the expensive package and my van looks so good and smells so good.
Now, I'm just waiting until it's time to drop the kids off and we can go to the concert. The gates open at 4:30. The first band takes the stage at 6:00 pm.
Friday, August 21, 2009
August 21, 2009
We did not really see much there that we really liked this year, but it was nice to walk around down there. We did stop at the Rainbow Girls' booth so the kids and Michael could get a funnel cake. Karen was working there. Poor thing had been there since early this morning and was exhausted.
I was really tired by the time we got home. It's been a hectic week and I'm glad the first week of school is over. Our routines are almost set in my classroom. I really like the kids in my class so far. I hope we are able to really get into things seriously next week. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
August 20, 2009
Michaela and I rode our bikes up to the park tonight while Caleb was at football practice. Michaela's chain fell off so Michael came home and got his vice grips so he could fix it. I got to watch part of Caleb's practice. It was fun. The coaches are fun to watch with the kids. And, the boys are so cute in their pads. I think Caleb is really enjoying it. He's always ready to go. I know Michael is enjoying it. He is really having fun showing things to Caleb here at home. I really hope this is the beginning of something that will be important to Caleb.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
August 19, 2009
We sat up there and waited for an hour and the only appointment that showed was the last one. That's just rude. But, oh well. The last appointment went well.
We went out to eat after that. We had Fazoli's for supper. I ate a small portion, but I did have two bread sticks.
Then, we went to Sports Authority to look at football gloves for Caleb. They didn't have what we needed, so we went to Johnny Mac's and found some there. I think the sales clerk was having fun watching Michael and Caleb pick out the gloves and mess around some.
On the way home we stopped at Wal-mart because I needed some ink for my printer at work. We wandered around Wal-mart a little and then got home in time to put the kids to bed.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
August 18, 2009
Michaela and I went did the grocery shopping tonight. We also stopped at the Y to check on open gym and swim hours. They had the fall aquatics schedule ready and I will be able to take that class like I wanted. We had to stop at Walgreen's and get Michaela's prescription, too. It was after 8:15 when we finally got home.
We have three appointments set to show the duplex tomorrow night. I hope something good comes from one of them.
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 17, 2009
Tonight was Michaela's last night of gymnastics. She has decided that she wants to do swimming now instead. So, since this was the last week of the summer session for gymnastics we just decided to stop now and save the registration fee for fall since it would only be about two weeks into the session before swimming starts. I am probably going to be able to take a water aerobics class on the same night that Michaela does swimming.
Caleb's football practice was rained out tonight. There was some pretty heavy rain and storms today. Michaela said they got hit with a storm just as they were dismissing from school today. So she got soaked.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August 16, 2009
This afternoon Michael and his dad fixed the mail box at the duplex and I got the duplex listed on Craigslist. We've had a couple calls already and have an appointment set for someone to come look at it on Wednesday. Hopefully, we'll get renters in there soon.
I also worked on laundry and messed around with some pictures. The kids played inside a lot, but then also went outside to ride their bikes and play with the neighbors' granddaughter.
We grilled pork chops tonight for supper. I also steamed some asparagus for me. The kids had canned carrots and Michael had french cut green beans. We also had Stove Top Pork stuffing and sliced apples. It was a really good supper.
I also got tomorrow's supper made already. I had a roast in the freezer from Omaha Steaks. I put it in the crock pot with some cut up new potatoes and frozen green beans. I added a little water and a couple bouillon cubes. It smells delicious!
Tonight I worked on lesson plans. I also worked some more on laundry. I will finish it tomorrow or Tuesday.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
August 15, 2009
I have felt very un-perky most of the day. I really had a hard time getting myself going this morning. But, I did manage to get some things accomplished.
My accomplishments for today:
- changed bed sheets
- did 4 loads of laundry
- scrubbed the bathroom
- cleaned out and scrubbed the fridge and the freezer
Tonight Michael, the kids and I went out to eat at Steak 'n Shake. Then, we had a couple shopping errands to run. Once we got home I left and went to a friend's 40th birthday party. It was great to see her and talk to her. I'm so glad I went.
Happy 40th Susan!
Friday, August 14, 2009
August 14, 2009
Today was our district's convocation, our all district meeting where we sit and listen to a string of people try to get us all pepped up for the school year. We had one speaker that was FANTASTIC. He was just hilarious. We all enjoyed him A LOT. I think today was the best convocation I've been to since I've worked for this district.
I spent the rest of the day in my classroom. It's as ready as it's going to get. There are still some things I'd like to have gotten done, but nothing that is going to keep us from having a good first day. I left work around 4:00 pm.
Michael had Caleb's shot records faxed to the YMCA today so he'll be starting latchkey on Monday. He's excited because he thinks one of his favorite friends is going to be in latchkey with him. So now it seems we've finally got both kids set for after school care. It was so strange to drive past Little Guppy this week when I was on my way home and not go in there to get my kids.
Tonight we went to Applebee's for supper. But, that's all we did. I was so tired when I got home I collapsed on the bed. I dozed on and off until 9:00 when I made the kids go to bed. Then, I took a long hot shower and now I cannot go back to sleep. I guess I'm going to have to go take one of my sleep aides because I need to get some sleep. I have several things I want to do tomorrow.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August 13, 2009
Someone stop this week I wanna get off!
Today went like this:
Kids and I left the house around 7:15 am. I dropped Michaela off first and then Caleb. Then, I went to work. We spent the morning in a meeting and the afternoon in our classrooms.
Tonight was Meet the Teacher Night at my school so I was at work until 6:00 pm. I left work and went straight to the YMCA to sign Caleb up for latchkey. I was at the Y for about an hour filling out paperwork. I did join the Y, too so we can get the kids in swimming and I can take some water exercise classes. But, most of the paper work was latchkey related.
Then, I went to the park where Caleb was having football practice. The minute I got there Michaela had to go to the bathroom which is completely on the other side of the park. By the time we got back from the bathroom practice was over. Ok, so I did stop and talk to Stacey on the way back.
We get home and both kids need to shower. By the time they are both clean and in bed it's time for me to shower and collapse. I'm exhausted.
I will have to say I'm very happy that we are not having so much in service this week and are being allowed time to work in our classrooms. It's really made the week a lot less stressful.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August 12, 2009
Summer break is officially over now. Michaela and Caleb had their first day of school and I had my first official day of work. It seemed to go by quickly. It was a pretty good day for me. Caleb said he had a really good day. Michaela said, "I didn't get to see Anikca or Taylor ALL DAY!"
It was an emotional morning for Michaela and me. It was her first time ever getting on the bus to go to school and I could not stay and watch her get on the bus. It was not easy for either of us. She's so like me it's scary.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
I left a little earlier today because my glasses were ready to be picked up. So, I now have a new pair of glasses. I feel like a little old lady. I had to get no line bi-focals. It's not all that easy to get used to wearing them. They told me to not walk down steps with them on until I get used to them. Great, like I'm not clumsy enough as it is.
It was grocery night and we had nothing in the house to eat so we had Arby's for supper. Michaela and I went to do the grocery shopping. Michael and Caleb are at football practice.
Michaela has taken her shower and as soon as Caleb gets home he will take his. Hopefully, they'll get in bed earlier than last night. Tomorrow is the first day of school. Michaela is getting really nervous about going to her new school. I think she's going to end up loving it there.
Monday, August 10, 2009
August 10, 2009
I was hoping to get my room done today so I could have tomorrow with them, but I did not get it finished. However, I am pretty sure I will have it finished tomorrow. I don't think I've ever gotten my classroom done before the first day of work before. I hope I am right and it will be done. That will mean that if we have any time during our three days before school then I can get other things prepared and maybe get a little a head of the game.
Tonight was busy. We had to go to Caleb's school for Meet the Teacher Night. They allow you to drop off your school supplies that night. You get to meet the teacher and usually have a couple of forms to fill out and you sign up for PT conferences at the end of September. They usually have tables set up in the gym for scouts and PTO and stuff like that, too.
When we left there, Michael and Caleb went to football practice and I took Michaela to gymnastics. While Michaela was there I went to Big Lots and got a few things I'd forgotten over the weekend. Then, I watched the rest of her gymnastics class. She and I went to football practice for the last 15 minutes of it.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
August 9, 2009
Michael and I both took naps. I tried to read, but just could not keep my eyes open. Michaela slept until 10:00 am. I don't think she's ever done that before.
The kids played inside part of the day and went out and got in the pool for a little while. Michael did mow the neighbor's lawn after supper tonight. And, I've been working on laundry all day.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
August 8, 2009
We went to Six Flags. It's been about 3 or 4 years since we were there last. We spent the ENTIRE day there, just like I used to do when I was growing up and when I was in high school and college. It's better now, though because Hurricane Harbor is there so we got a respite from the heat. It was VERY HOT today with the heat index over 100.
We got there around opening time and spent the first part of the day in the amusement park. It's changed a lot since I was growing up, but not so much that I cannot find my way around without a map. There are so many more roller coasters than there were when I was growing up. But, we only got on one because my children are wimps. I have no idea where they got that from. Hopefully, some day Michael and I will get them on the bigger roller coasters. We did ride the mine train, which is the oldest coaster in the park.
Around 3:00 pm we went to Hurricane Harbor (the water park). It was so crowded, but the water felt SO GOOD. We played around in the water for about 5 hours until the water park closed. We got to try out the new ride, The Wahoo Racer and that was a lot of fun. Michael and Michaela did a lot more of the slides and flumes than Caleb and I because Caleb was being a wimp there and I wanted Michaela to have some one on one time with her Daddy. It was still a great way to spent that time and I got some one on one time with Caleb.
At 8:00 we left the water park and went back into the amusement park. We rode a ride and then it was time to find a seat for the parade. They are now doing a glow in the dark parade and it was a lot of fun to watch. After the parade we left. There was only a little bit of time left before the park actually closed anyway.
It has been a very long, hot day. But, I would not have traded this day for anything.
Friday, August 7, 2009
August 7, 2009
We started at Big Lots and bought what we could there. Next, we headed to Wal-mart. What a mad house! It was just absolutely CRAZY there. But, we managed to get what we needed there and got out without anyone getting hurt. After that we went across the street to Dollar Tree for a few more things.
By this time it was lunch time and we were all hungry. We went to Wendy's and had lunch. On the way home we stopped at Michaela's school so I could talk to the secretary about Michaela changing buses. She called the district office and they will not even consider it until at least 2 weeks into the school year. What a pain in the butt. She also told me that the activities have been reduced from three days a week to two days week. Great!
After we left Michaela's school we came home and got all the school supplies sorted and into each person's bag. We made sure all supplies were labeled. I also took the tags off the new clothes. Then, I got the laundry sorted and started.
We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out at home. I had wanted to take them swimming, but by the time we'd done all our running around and gotten things at home settled it was too late. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't really get to do anything fun today, but at least we were together.
This evening I talked to my mom. I think we have before school figured out for Michaela. She is going to catch the bus up by my mom's house on Mon-Wed. Then, on Thur. & Fri. my mom is going to drop Michaela off a little early at school before she goes to work. Now, I need to figure out after school stuff.
The four of us went out to eat at Trailhead tonight before we went to get Caleb's football gear. He needed a practice jersey and practice pants. He also needed the under clothes that go under these things and a cup and chin strap. It's been an expensive day.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
August 6, 2009
The rest of the day we pretty much just hung out at home. Caleb had football practice tonight. Michaela and I stayed home.
I'm not sure what my problem is today/tonight, but I'm just not feeling very enthused about much.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August 5, 2009
We left my school in time to give us enough time to go and eat lunch. We needed to be at Michaela's school by 1 pm for schedule pick up. It seems so strange to have to pick up a schedule for her already. We wandered around the school some to find her locker and a few of her classrooms. She got her locker opened once, but I think we need to buy her a lock to practice. She did meet one of her teachers. I can't remember her name, but I really liked her.
We left her school and went to Caleb's school so I could see about latch key. I think it's finally been decided that we are going to do that for after school care this year. Michaela will be doing after school activities Tues-Thurs. and won't get home until about the same time as me or after me on those days. It'll just mean making arrangements for her on Mondays and Fridays.
After that we had to go to the eye doctor. Caleb and I both had appointments. Luckily, Caleb does NOT need glasses. I'm so glad to hear that. It was concerning me some with him starting football.
I got a prescription for no line bifocals. What really surprised me is the doctor said I only need to wear them when reading or when my eyes are feeling tired. I've been trying to tell people for years that my eye sight was not as bad as they thought it was when I was growing up. So, I will be getting my new glasses in about a week. Damn, those things are expensive.
When we left the eye doctor, our running around was finally over. Yeah! I did have to make some phone calls this afternoon about latch key and having Michael's parents help us out the first week or so of school. I still need to call the person in charge of bus routes at Michaela's school tomorrow to see if I can arrange for Michaela to ride the bus from a friend's house in the mornings. They live like a mile from us, but it's still a different bus route. That would make life so much easier if I can arrange that.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 4, 2009
First we've decided to go to Six Flags on Saturday instead and Michael is going to go with us. We are actually going to spend family time together this weekend. He's basically finished with the duplex. Let's just hope we pass inspection so we can get an occupancy permit. I'm excited that we're going to do this together. I know the kids are too. We just have had very little family time together in the past three months.
Then, we decided to go buy the new Wii Sports Resort game. The kids and I played it for about 2 1/2 hours this afternoon. It was a lot of fun. We really enjoyed it. We also played Mario Kart for a little while. After that we watched Inkheart together. We'd seen part of it at Kelly and Jeremy's and wanted to see the whole thing.
After supper it was time for football practice. Michael and Caleb drove up to the park while Michaela and I went to Walgreen's to get Michael's prescription. When we got home, Michaela and I got out our bicycles and rode up to the park to watch part of Caleb's practice. I also spent some time talking to a friend. Michaela and I came home about 45 minutes before practice was over. I was so hot I took my shower right away.
The rest of the evening is being spent getting some pictures uploaded to one of my picture printing websites.
Monday, August 3, 2009
August 3, 2009
We were only out there for a little while and when we left we headed to the grocery store. We did the grocery shopping a day early because tomorrow we are going to be gone most of the day. I will not tell the kids where we are going, though. It's tormenting Michaela like crazy. He he he!
After lunch we went to the pool at Blanchette. It was not real warm when we got there, but about 1/2 an hour after we got there the temperature shot up almost 20 degrees. This was fine with me because I wanted to get in the water and I just won't if it's not hot enough. I managed to swim 10 laps in the lap pool. That felt really good.
We came home around 4:00. I relaxed for a little while and then made sandwiches for supper. I didn't want to feed anyone anything heavy because it was so hot and Michael and Caleb had to be outside for 2 hours this evening.
Michaela and I left for gymnastics around 6:00 pm. While she was inside I walked the sidewalk at the strip mall in which her gymnastics is located. It's very long, probably like two blocks long. I walked for 30 minutes. It was really hot outside.
As I was going back inside the building to finish waiting for Michaela, I saw someone I graduated with and talked with her for a few minutes. I haven't seen her in a couple years. It was great seeing her for a few minutes. Her daughters do cheerleading at the same gym that Michaela does gymnastics.
When we left gymnastics we went to the park to see some of Caleb's football practice. He only had about 20 minutes left of practice. Michael said he was doing really well last night. He seemed to be enjoying himself a lot. Michaela and I did not stay long because the bugs started biting and we did not have bug spray with us. But, there will be plenty of other practices for us to be at, and games, too.
The rest of the evening was showers and getting ready to go to bed.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
August 2, 2009
The kids and I decided to go to the Disney Train Tour this afternoon. We rode the Metro Link down to Union Station. Metro Link was pretty busy since there was a Cardinal's Game and Rock the River both going on today.
When we got to Union Station we had to wait in line for about an hour before getting on the train. It wasn't too bad because they had the train parked under the highway, so we were in the shade most of the time.
The train was cool. They had portraits of all the characters from Disney's A Christmas Carol. They also had costumes. What was really cool was the glass cases with original hand written items from Charles Dickens. There were also concept drawings of the different places in London where A Christmas Carol takes place. They had a room with miniatures of the buildings and then a room that was set up like the stage they used to film the movie. It's all white because they turned the actors in to 3D animation. Then, we were able to morph our faces into characters from the Movie. Michaela picked Belle, Caleb was Tiny Tim and I was George Marley's ghost. At the end was a room that looked like Fred's dining room.
When we got off the train we had to wait in line again. This time it was to see the sneak peek of the movie. It will be released on Nov. 6. There was no shade in this line so it was HOT. But, we only had to wait about 1/2 an hour there. The sneak peek was in an inflatable, air conditioned movie theater that held at least 100 people if not more. It was in 3D and was really kind of cool. I'm excited to see the movie.
When we were finished we got back on Metro Link and rode it a couple more stops. This way we only had to walk two blocks to get to Citygarden. Citygarden is awesome! We loved it there. It's really pretty with all the plants and the sculptures. There were tons of people there because the Cardinal game had let out (they lost *sniff). The kids played in the water some. We did not have towels or extra clothes so we couldn't get too wet. I did put my feet in the water. After standing for a couple hours and walking a couple blocks, the water felt really good. There was a street musician there, too. he was playing a trombone. We gave him a contribution.
Then, it was time to come home. So, we walked back to Metro Link and got there just in time for the train. We rode back to our van and then drove home. It was after 6:00 when we got home and we were all really hot, sweaty and tired. We all had to take showers tonight. We also ate just a simple supper of sandwiches and some fruit. It was a great day, though. I'm really glad we went. I just wish Michael could have gone with us.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
August 1, 2009
My foot is still bothering me some, but it's slowly getting better. I stayed off of it most of the day again and hopefully that will help. I've not taken any Advil for it today, though and that is a step forward.
We had pizza delivered for supper and the kids and I just hung out at home tonight. It was a very quiet night and I needed that.