Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14, 2009

I cannot believe it is Friday already. This week was like a speeding train, I swear. I seriously feel like I've been grabbed by the throat and yanked through the week. I'm exhausted and cannot go to sleep.

Today was our district's convocation, our all district meeting where we sit and listen to a string of people try to get us all pepped up for the school year. We had one speaker that was FANTASTIC. He was just hilarious. We all enjoyed him A LOT. I think today was the best convocation I've been to since I've worked for this district.

I spent the rest of the day in my classroom. It's as ready as it's going to get. There are still some things I'd like to have gotten done, but nothing that is going to keep us from having a good first day. I left work around 4:00 pm.

Michael had Caleb's shot records faxed to the YMCA today so he'll be starting latchkey on Monday. He's excited because he thinks one of his favorite friends is going to be in latchkey with him. So now it seems we've finally got both kids set for after school care. It was so strange to drive past Little Guppy this week when I was on my way home and not go in there to get my kids.

Tonight we went to Applebee's for supper. But, that's all we did. I was so tired when I got home I collapsed on the bed. I dozed on and off until 9:00 when I made the kids go to bed. Then, I took a long hot shower and now I cannot go back to sleep. I guess I'm going to have to go take one of my sleep aides because I need to get some sleep. I have several things I want to do tomorrow.

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