Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009

Tonight was open house at Michaela's school. We got to meet her two core teachers, her Quest teacher, her keyboarding teacher, her band teacher and her gym teacher. So far I really like them all. Michaela loves most of her teachers. I think the only one she's not too sure about is her math and science teacher. But, that teacher seems to like Michaela. So, not sure what's going on there.

I'm still having a hard time grasping her not being at an elementary school. But, she's loving being at Jefferson. She's just a different kid than she was last year. The teachers she has this year really seem to want to challenge her and encourage her as a "smart kid." Her teacher last year I think was just at a lost. I think she understands the kids who need extra help more.

Her Quest class seems even more rigorous than SOAR was. This is good and I'm sure she'll do great, but it's just beyond anything I ever thought of a 10 year old doing. Sometimes it makes me nervous, but then again, she's always handled academic challenges like a pro.

Since we got home I've done nothing but play around on the computer and watch television. I've not been able to do that in over two weeks. It's nice. There are things I should be doing, but I'm just not going to tonight.

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