Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5, 2009

It was a really busy day today. The kids and I went out to my school. I spent two hours moving furniture and lifting boxes to prepare my classroom for set up. Getting my classroom ready for school always takes so long. We will be back out there tomorrow for a while.

We left my school in time to give us enough time to go and eat lunch. We needed to be at Michaela's school by 1 pm for schedule pick up. It seems so strange to have to pick up a schedule for her already. We wandered around the school some to find her locker and a few of her classrooms. She got her locker opened once, but I think we need to buy her a lock to practice. She did meet one of her teachers. I can't remember her name, but I really liked her.

We left her school and went to Caleb's school so I could see about latch key. I think it's finally been decided that we are going to do that for after school care this year. Michaela will be doing after school activities Tues-Thurs. and won't get home until about the same time as me or after me on those days. It'll just mean making arrangements for her on Mondays and Fridays.

After that we had to go to the eye doctor. Caleb and I both had appointments. Luckily, Caleb does NOT need glasses. I'm so glad to hear that. It was concerning me some with him starting football.

I got a prescription for no line bifocals. What really surprised me is the doctor said I only need to wear them when reading or when my eyes are feeling tired. I've been trying to tell people for years that my eye sight was not as bad as they thought it was when I was growing up. So, I will be getting my new glasses in about a week. Damn, those things are expensive.

When we left the eye doctor, our running around was finally over. Yeah! I did have to make some phone calls this afternoon about latch key and having Michael's parents help us out the first week or so of school. I still need to call the person in charge of bus routes at Michaela's school tomorrow to see if I can arrange for Michaela to ride the bus from a friend's house in the mornings. They live like a mile from us, but it's still a different bus route. That would make life so much easier if I can arrange that.

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