Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009

Happy Monday! Today was my first day with students and for some reason I was really nervous today. The beginning of the school year is exhausting and starting all over with a new class is pretty brutal, but still exciting. I'm glad the first day is behind us though. It all went pretty well.

Tonight was Michaela's last night of gymnastics. She has decided that she wants to do swimming now instead. So, since this was the last week of the summer session for gymnastics we just decided to stop now and save the registration fee for fall since it would only be about two weeks into the session before swimming starts. I am probably going to be able to take a water aerobics class on the same night that Michaela does swimming.

Caleb's football practice was rained out tonight. There was some pretty heavy rain and storms today. Michaela said they got hit with a storm just as they were dismissing from school today. So she got soaked.

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