Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 16, 2009

I was SO GLAD to wake up and know it was Friday this morning. This week just seemed so very long to me. It was the last week of the quarter for my school district. I'm gonna have some major paperwork ahead of me over the next week or so.

Tonight Michaela and I went with the girl scouts to a play (musical) at the local community college. It was put on by a children's theater group that is made up of 3rd -12th graders. The kids worked hard on it, you could tell, but the script was so bad. It was a horrible play. I feel badly for the actors because they were not given much to work with but they really did work hard on it. The girls really enjoyed it. Michaela loved it and I'm really glad she enjoyed herself.

It was great getting to spend time with some of my favorite women, too.

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