Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7, 2009

Caleb and I stayed home again today. I am more tired and shaky than anything today. I am starting to feel human, but still have not slept well. I think if I could get a good night's sleep I'd be much better.

Caleb has not had a fever since this morning. Hopefully, he will not wake up with one again tomorrow. I'd like for him to go back to school, especially since I am planning on going back to work.

I had to do battle with Charter today. I got a phone call telling me we had not made a payment in September. I knew that was wrong so I looked it up online and sure enough there it was on my bank statement. Finally, they figured out they had credited that payment to our telephone bill instead of our cable bill. They are going to fix it. I'm so tired of Charter.

Today was Michaela's first cross country meet. There were over 50 girls in her race and she came in 38th. I am so proud of her. She took off and did not quit at all. She worked so hard at it today. She's only been training for two weeks and her running club only meets once a week. She did GREAT!

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