Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25, 2009

Caleb's team won their last regular season game today. Troy lost their game, so that means Caleb's team goes to the playoffs this year! Yeah!

The game today was really something else. Caleb's team started out really great. They scored three unanswered touchdowns. Then, all of the sudden the referees got diarrhea of the penalty flags. They were throwing flags at Caleb's team for every little thing. They sure ignored all the face mask grabbing that the other team was doing, though. The coaches on the other team were being real jerks, too. They kept screaming about illegal formations. The refs never called that so I'm not sure what the hell that was all about. I think at one time the long haired hoosier coach on the other team was yelling at one of our boys. It was crazy. The person running the score board clock was not paying attention, either. He kept "forgetting" to start the clock during the last quarter.

In the end none of it mattered because we stomped butt anyway. The final score was 26 - 13. And, we are playoffs bound!

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