Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11, 2009

This morning we had to drive out to Ladue for Caleb's football game. It was at a private high school out there because O'Fallon's field flooded pretty badly this past week. The high school is beautiful. It's a very expensive place to send your kid, though. Caleb got to play most of the second half. I love watching him play. His team lost again, but for me knowing he is getting to do something he loves is the best part.

When we got home I started working on the laundry. I also cleaned up the kitchen. Then, I went through Caleb's closet and drawers. I took out all the clothes that no longer fit him and flipped the winter and summer clothes around. Michaela did the same in her room and I also did the same for my closet. I will get to my drawers later. I managed to finish laundry today, yeah!

I went to Wal-mart tonight because in the process of cleaning out drawers and closets I realized that both kids had no pj's that fit. So, I had to go buy them pj's. I got each of them four pairs. They should be good to go for now. They made need a couple more pairs each, but that can wait for now.

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