Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

Wow, looking at 2010 seems really strange. It just is weird to think that we are 10 years into the "new" century already. In just 7 short years, my daughter will be starting her last semester of high school and Caleb will be a freshman. How is that possible?

It was a pretty laid back day. We did go to Wal-mart. We had to return the DVD player that I bought a few weeks ago that ended up not working out for us. I also took back the tri-pod that my MIL and FIL bought me. The kids brought along their money, but neither of them spent any. Caleb tried but we made him wait until there was something he really wanted on the shelves. He just wanted to spend it to spend it. He was not happy with us.

We got some necessities, but we also got a new Blue Ray player. I'm excited. I've been wanting one. Michael was going to hook it up tonight, but he's not feeling well.

We also went out to lunch with Michael's parents. We went to O'Charley's. It was a nice lunch. I had the potato soup, but it wasn't as good as the last time I got it. They put us in a booth and I don't think we'll do that again. It was a big booth, but seriously not big enough for four adults and two growing children. However, the conversation was good.

This evening we've just hung out around home. Michael's been resting because he's not feeling well. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

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