Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010

Wow, what a day at work I had today. It was horrible. At one point I just gave up trying to teach. Even with me walking around the room during our lesson/group activity time I could only get four students to pay attention and really take things seriously. So, instead of stopping every two seconds to re-direct students, I just handed out the assignment and told them to do it. I have to do this every once in a while and it usually gets behavior back on track for a good amount of time.

I also had three students today that just wanted to break every rule known. They did not want to take their work seriously. They didn't want to leave their classmates alone. They didn't want to be respectful. I could go on and on. All three of them lost recess, had to do extra work and missed out on the video during snack time today. There are days like this every year and I'm hoping this was just a bad day and we will be able to get back on track tomorrow.

After work I had to go get Caleb at school and then get Michaela at her grandparents' house. We came home for a few minutes and then we were off to the YMCA. It was Caleb's first night of basketball. His practices are every Wednesday night from 5:15 - 6:00. It seemed to go well.

Michaela and I left in the van and came home to get my notebook and so she could tape a couple things back on her project board about Peru. She wanted to loan it to our display for Thinking Day. Caleb was with Michael in the truck.

Michaela and I then went to Girl Scouts. They girls made the swaps for Thinking Day. They are miniature Peruvian flags. They also made Valentine's for the soldiers. They did a great job.

After Girl Scouts, Michaela and I came home to eat the chili Michael made last night. It was really good. He outdid himself this time around. I'm so proud of him!

Caleb had already fallen asleep in his room when I got home so I had to tuck him in while he was sleeping. I think he's going to get a good night's sleep tonight.

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