Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22, 2010

I did not go to work today. I really felt bad this morning and knew I would not be able function at work today. My stomach was messed up half the day and then I had a horrible headache that was causing spots in front of my eyes.

I did go up to Caleb's school to take his homework folder to him. I also left a message for his teacher to call me. Caleb has been struggling with a few things at school and I just need some more help in knowing how/what to help him with at home.

Caleb's teacher called me early in the afternoon. We had a long talk and she gave me some ideas. I feel better after talking to her. I am going to call her again in about a week and we'll talk again. I am hoping to get a meeting with her, the reading teacher and the counselor sometime soon.

This evening I took some Excedrin Migraine and was able to get my headache pain down enough so we could go out for a little while. We went to Hatfield's and McCoy's for supper. It's been a while since we were there. One of the owners was seating people. We've been going there since we were dating and they recognize us. It's kind of cool. We've been through all of the stages of our relationship there.

After that we went to Toys R Us to look at bicycles. That is one of Caleb's birthday presents. He looked at some and decided he wanted to look at Wal-mart before he made a decision. So we went to Wal-mart and he looked at some there. He decided he wanted one of the ones at Toys R Us, so we went back there. He picked out the bike he wanted and a new helmet because his old one is too small.

Tomorrow I will have to buy him a few other things so he has something to unwrap on his birthday. I cannot believe he is going to be 8 already.

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