Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010

Tonight I've been working on my homework for the week. I always seem to feel overwhelmed when I begin the week's assignment. I always feel like it's going to be more work and take more time than it actually does. Once I get started, it seems to always flow a lot easier than I think it is going to.

I managed to finish what I had not gotten to yet by 8:00 p.m. tonight.

My back has felt better today than it did yesterday. It's still sore, but not even close to being as bad as it was. I am very thankful for this. It sure made it easier to be at work.

I finally got to watch Nickelback on the closing party of the Olympics. They did my favorite song, but of course "cleaned it up." Ok, if ya gotta clean it up, pick a different song. Oh well, I'll get to hear them sing the real version in 53 days!

Hopefully, Michael will get his stuff for work done soon so we can watch last week's episode of Survivor.

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