Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

It was my first day of Spring Break home by myself today. I dropped both kids off at school. Michaela decided she wanted me to take her to school and pick her up this week instead of taking the bus. I took her a little early so I could talk to her principal about a couple things. I really like the principal at her school. She is very good at listening and working to solve problems.

I spent most of the day working on reconciling bank statements. It feels good to have that done.

I also took Abby to the vet again. We spent almost an hour up with her in the middle of the night. Her ear was bothering her pretty bad last night. She scared us. She was almost hyper-ventilating. She was shaking her head so much that she almost fell down the steps. I had the appointment set for her anyway, today. Glad I did.

They gave her some allergy medicine she can be on long term. We are to give her her fish oil pills with that. She also has to have the anti-biotic cream put in her ear twice a day for about a week, or longer if needed. She does have an infection in her ear again. Poor thing. Hopefully now that it's cleaned out and she's getting medicine all the way down in the ear we'll all be able to sleep tonight.

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