Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

The weather was WONDERFUL here today. It got up into the 60's and was sunny. It was just a beautiful day. The kids had a half day of school today, so I only had 3 hours of free time before I had to pick them up today.

After I dropped Michaela off (Caleb gets dropped off first) I headed to a couple different out door places around town that I knew would be good to play around with taking pictures. I had my camera and Michael's camera with me. I got some really good shots. I got some of ducks flying over a lake and some of squirrels playing in trees. I got some other shots as well and will be posting them sometime.

In honor of getting some photography in that was not of the kids' activities, I'm going to reactivate my photo blog. I started it last summer when I was part of a photography Yahoo group. It was supposed to be a picture a day, but with school starting it just got a bit overwhelming to try and keep up with it, so I just stopped. I am not going to put that kind of pressure on myself now. I am going to just post when I can/feel like it. Hopefully, this weekend I'll get at least a couple new ones on there.

I need to go through them all and do a little editing here and there.

After I picked the kids up from school we went to the park. The same park I took pictures of squirrel at. They have a new playground there and the kids had not had the chance to try it out yet. So, we went and they played for an hour or so.

A funny thing happened today. When Caleb and I were sitting in the van in the parking lot at Michaela's school waiting for her to come out we started hearing a voice over the radio. Turns out the guy behind me was on a CB. It was really kind of annoying. Even when I switched the station we could still hear him. I sat and debated getting out to tell him. Then, we hear him say, "Yeah, it's great, I can drive around town talking and no one can hear me." At that point I got out and tapped on his windshield. When he rolled it down I said, "Just so you know, we can hear your whole conversation over the radio in the car." LOL

I suggested he try another band and we didn't hear him after that.

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