Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010

I've been reading a couple books by Margaret Atwood lately. I downloaded her newest novel The Year of the Flood about a month or so ago. It was really good. I have enjoyed it a lot. It is speculative fiction. The coolest thing about it, is it is connected to another one of her novels I really liked called Oryx and Crake. I did not know this when I started listening to it (I have them both in audio format on my iPod). When I first heard the character names of Oryx and Crake while listening to The Year of the Flood, I got really excited.

The Year of the Flood is not a sequel or pre-qual for Oryx and Crake. It happens simultaneously with Oryx and Crake. I had not remembered some of the names of characters that had shown up in both books, so I'm listening to Oryx and Crake again. I am enjoying it even more the second time around since I have something else to reference it by now.

I may listen to The Year of the Flood again when I'm finished with Oryx and Crake. But, I am not sure. There are a couple audio books on my iPod I've not listened to yet, one I've only listened to partly, and a couple others I want to download. There are a few of Atwood's books that I have not yet read/listened to, so I may go looking for one of those.

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