Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24, 2010

It was a busy Saturday. Michaela and I went to the Y for our swim classes this morning. We have to be there by 8:00 a.m. because that's when my class starts. I talked to her teacher some this morning. Michaela has to cut 33 seconds off her time to qualify for the swim team. So, I guess we go try to find time to work on that.

Michael and Caleb were not home when we got home. They left so Michael could get an allergy shot and get the truck washed. He got a 3 month membership to the local car wash for Father's Day so he's been trying to get the truck washed every week.

We had to be up at the park next to the Y for Caleb's baseball game by 12:00. We were a little late, but we got there. It was very hot again today. The poor boys on the baseball field were moving in slow motion it seemed. One of the umps had to sit down because she was starting to feel sick. She didn't look well either. I'm glad that his games are only an hour long at this point, even in the shade it was starting to get unbearable.

This afternoon I took Michaela over to my mom's. She's spending the night over there. They will meet me at my church for early service in the morning.

Michael, Caleb and I went to Steak 'n Shake for supper. I ordered a raspberry shake and got a strawberry one instead. Not a huge deal especially since I didn't figure out why it didn't taste as good as the last raspberry shake I had until I was almost finished and realized the berry I was eating was a strawberry. I figure I didn't have a right to complain since it took me that long to figure out what was wrong.

After we ate, we went to Wal-mart to get a few things. Then, we went to Barnes & Noble to get a Bible cover for Michaela. We're giving her a Quest Study Bible and the cover as a gift for her baptism. I know she'll really like it because she's like me, she loves history and historical stuff and the Quest Study Bible has notes in it about why people did the things they did during biblical times. It also explains some of the social history of biblical times. It's really a cool bible.

It was lightening like crazy out when we were on our way home. Michael just wanted to get home before it started raining so the truck didn't get dirty. About 5 minutes after we got home the storm hit. Horrible winds came out of no where and our electricity went out. It was out all night. The storm cooled off the temperature, but the humidity was sill high so it got sticky and damp in the house.

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