Boy, last night was busy. We all met at the girl scout leader's house at 5:00 pm. Michaela and I rode in a van with another mom. There were four girls with us. Michaela, her best friend, the daughter of the mom who drove that van and another girl. I think we had 8 vehicles driving down there. I was amazed, all the girls from the troop went and only three of them did not have a parent with them. We were registered with the younger troop and the older troop that we do things with, so in all our group (once we got there) had probably over 50 people with all the girls and parents. We even had a dad with us.
We got checked in and then the girls went into the room that is called the Skateless Park. It's ramps and stuff like a skate park has, but no skateboards or skates allowed. It's the one place in the museum where they are allowed to just run and be wild. They also got to make a flower pot out of a paper cup and plant flower seeds in it. They climbed on the wire tunnels inside and then the outside (called MonstroCity) was opened up. Michaela did not want to do this. She was afraid. It's all climbing stuff at least three stories high and you can see through it all.
We also watched a performance by The Everyday Circus. It was really good. This is mainly kids that take circus classes at the museum. Those kids get to travel with it too. Last summer they went to Israel to perform. They have camps for this in the summer and I had thought that I might give it consideration if Michaela showed interest. She asked if she could as they were handing out the fliers. Then, I showed her how much it cost. It's $450 for two weeks. Plus, this is about a 35 minute drive just to get down there. I don't think that one is going to happen.
They got to play around in the Enchanted Caves too. This was really cool. All kinds of nooks and crannies to climb into and onto and through. Tunnels everywhere. I wish I was a kid and not so big. It would be so much fun. But, most of those tunnels and things are not made adult size.
They served us thin crust pizza, Cesar salad, and a big cookie for supper. There was a choice of soda, juice or water to drink. For breakfast they had cold cereal, sausages, french toast, biscuits and gravy, bagels and cream cheese, milk, juice, coffee, soda and water. The biscuits and gravy were REALLY good. They also had marshmallows to toast outside when the kids were allowed to go out there to climb. We did not go hungry, that's for sure.
They did show some movie last night, too but I don't think many went to it. It didn't start until midnight. They served popcorn at that. I didn't go to it. The girls that were with me were getting cranky and I was tired so we went into the sleeping area with the other mom we hung out with. The floor was VERY HARD. I thought the sleeping bag I took would be padded enough, but the floor was a lot harder than I had anticipated. If we ever do this again we're taking something else to sleep on. My hips, back and neck really hurt today. It was after 1:00 am before we laid down and I think I slept a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes. I also told the leader that maybe next time we should plan shifts to watch the girls so we each could have a little bit of a break. It's not the type of place you want to just let the girls run around where ever they want because there are too many floors, rooms, etc.
It was fun, but it was exhausting. I wish I could lay down and sleep, but for some reason I'm a little wired. It's thundering here now and getting ready to storm. I'm giving myself the day off today. I may get the pictures of last night off my camera, but other than that I'm doing nothing. Michaela is asleep and I did take a shower when I got home. But, I think I'm going to spend the day laying on my soft bed and watching television and/or movies.