Monday, March 24, 2008

March 24, 2008

Today was my last day off for my spring break. Michaela and Caleb had to go back to school so this was a day to myself. It was productive, but not stressful.

I did get the checkbook stuff taken care of as well as straightening up the kitchen. I also did some laundry.

But, the best part of the day was my massage. I got my first ever massage today at Salon de Christie. It was incredible and was just way too short. I can't wait until I can go back and have another one. They gave me a $10 coupon for my next visit. I'm thinking about saving my nickles and pennies over the next several months to save up for one of the spa packages.

Tonight was basically just taking Michaela to gymnastics. Although, my aunt in Illinois called me so I talked to her for a while during Michaela's gymnastic time. It was great to talk to her.

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